[indent][CENTER][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/210512/3fc476115ccd8b84db420eff8ff63b55.png[/img][/CENTER][hr] If words were capable of striking a blow and sending one off their feet, the young Takamori knew she'd be sitting stunned on the floor of the smithy by now. For the briefest of moments, as Keiko let loose her plan, Fumiko's expression shifted to one of utter shock and... hurt. She watched as Keiko slid her arm to interlock with Tsubasa's and as she leaned into him while she spoke in a cheery tone. Surely... surely she was showing off at this point, flaunting to Fumiko that the Takamori had [i]lost[/i] in a race for a man's attention that she hadn't even fully known she was in. Sure, Fumiko [i]knew[/i] she wanted to be closer to Tsubasa, but not a single part of her mind had even paused to truly think about what that meant. Nor that somebody else might beat her to him. That smug little grin on Keiko's features did not go unnoticed, hammering home that she was showing off and staking her claim. A move that earned Keiko a decidedly hostile look for the briefest of moments from Fumiko. [i][color=bc8dbf]That stupid little...[/color][/i] Fumiko's darker turn seemed interrupted a split second later as she stunned herself with the beginning of such thoughts. What was wrong with her? Why did she care so much that Keiko was going with Tsubasa? That'd she'd get to spend the night hanging on his arm. Enjoying his comfort, his attention on her. That she'd get to learn more about the man, spend time growing closer and gazing upon his handsome features? All while Fumi would be forced to watch from the sidelines. Why did that bother her so? Why did it feel like she was a child again, watching one of her relatives getting to go play amongst the village? Why did it feel like she was being left behind, and that bothered her so? Like she was jealous over another winning something she wanted so dearly? [i][color=bc8dbf]Jealous. Desire. Oh...[/color][/i] The realization hit Fumiko like a blow to the chest. She was [i]jealous[/i] of Keiko. She was jealous because [i]she[/i] desperately wanted to be the one hanging on Tsubasa's arm, the object of his affections. [i][color=bc8dbf]So this is what Sumi-chan noticed earlier...[/color][/i] The Takamori thought to herself, before realizing she'd somewhat lost herself in her thoughts and missed the arrival of Haruhi entirely before the energetic girl had already moved on into the forge. A hint of color appeared on her cheeks from the embarrassment of such a slip. She needed to be [i]better[/i] than that. To control her own emotions and feelings more, else how else could she properly serve her village if she got irate so easily? With a small note to later talk to her Uncle about such things, Fumiko set to work burying the emotions deep within so she could focus back on the task at hand. Even if she was burying in a gaping pit in her stomach that'd formed after seeing Keiko's clear connection with Tsubasa. Her features returning to that much-more serene and welcoming expression she usually wore, Fumiko offered a polite bow to both Tsubasa and Keiko. [color=bc8dbf]"Thank you, Senga-San, Seimei-San."[/color] Fumiko said with a warm smile on her features. [color=bc8dbf]"Hayashi-San and I will certainly appreciate the extra hands. Shall we head off?"[/color] Fumiko said softly, offering a forced-yet-warm smile. [hr] [sup][right][color=bc8dbf]Interactions:[/color] [i]Seimei Keiko [@Asura], Senga Tsubasa [@Hero][/i][/right][/sup][/indent]