[center] [h3][color=d7d7d7][b]Roland[/b][/color][/h3] And [color=0072bc]Robot[/color] [color=ec008c]Girls[/color] [img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/581952321546879006/1120967522892648530/BlackSilenceIcon.webp[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/kxFo3GL.png[/img] Level 3 Roland - (2/30) Level up! Learned Memories of the Library. Level 12 Blazermate (Holding 3 level up) - (28/120) Level 5 Susie - (37/50) - (Holding 2 level up) [b]Location:[/b] Sector 7 (Seventh Heaven) [b]Word Count:[/b] 1036 [/center] As they went down the whole way down to the underplate, eventually the motorball couldn't keep up as it was. not as nimble as the rest of the group, it eventually turned into a hunk of molten metal. A big ball of it that was coming down to crush the pedestrians below! But there wasn't much her projectile shield could do against something that big, she had tested it and objects of massive size still took damage, but weren't blocked by the shield. That was when Goldlewis showed one of his super skills, using his coffin to smash the machine into much more manageable smaller chunks which Blazermate used her projectile shield to block so that only a small amount even touched those behind her and Goldlewis. Still, seeing as Goldlewis did the hard task of breaking that monster scrap into smaller chunks, Blazermate let him take the adoration of the people, just hovering to the others and healing if necessary. Wanting a break, Goldlewis suggested some bar that Susie knew about, having been there prior, or at least something similar. Roland had heard of that chain as well, and considering he wasn't the one buying, he was up for it. Sandalphon had appeared as well with her supporting androids and had fused with a few of the spirits Midna had given her. Susie would have to figure out how this whole spirit thing worked, as seeing what kind of strange abomination Midna had become and the changes to Sandalphon made her interested, but also cautious. Roland was just as weirded out by Midna's change, but noticed that Sandalphon hadn't been as a radical change. And Blazermate was fine with everything, although she'd have to find a medabot spirit for Midna to fuse with later so that she didn't look so... weird? It was like she was made of way too many clashing parts! Roland had heard about the under sectors, how they resembled a safer version of the backstreets back from where he was from, and yeah, they looked it. Dilapidated, rough, but at least the smell of blood and body parts wasn't anywhere to be seen, nor were their sweepers cleaning up at night and eating anything that was unfortunate to be out then. Susie wasn't too impressed with the area herself, this place needed a lot of fixing up and probably didn't have the money to do so. Even then, there wasn't much she could offer this place with how limited her business aspects were at the moment. Finally Blazermate thought it was quaint, being more on Roland's side of things thinking this place wasn't that bad. A little dusty, but rustic. Reminded her of a show she saw regarding a cowboy and his trusty nine iron, and on top of that the bar they entered was even cowboy themed! [color=0072bc]"Oooh, I like this place! Its got that country vibe to it! You don't see these very often in Tokyo!"[/color] Blazermte said, floating around the place and looking at everything. Roland could only look at the robot looking at everything with a strange nostalgic look combined with puzzlement. He didn't say much of anything though, instead grabbing himself a couple beers and joyfully drinking them. [color=d7d7d7]"Ah, thanks for buying them buddy. Nothing like a cold one after a hard day's work!"[/color] Seeing Benedict and Partito drinking and rambling on about some of their past co-workers, Roland decided to join them. He was already a bit pink in the cheeks at this point. [color=d7d7d7]"Hey whatchya two talking about over here?"[/color] and decided to have some casual chit chat with the two. Not wanting a beer, Susie decided to take a light stroll outside to see if there was anything of interest. Even though this place was dilapidated, that could also be opportunistic as that meant there could be things here that are far, far more valuable than people knew. It didn't take her long before she ran into a [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/581952321546879006/1137518350868688896/image.png]Vending machine[/url] that spoke in a southern drawl as she approached. It wasn't like anything she had seen, and it had both an intake for items, and an outake for them. It offered mostly medicine and ammo, most of which she didn't need, but it also had a 'daily special', a [url=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/581952321546879006/1137519715779100705/image.png]shield module[/url], but marked down from its obscene price down to 400. Now, this was something she could use. Even with all of their advancements in technology, Haltmann works couldn't ever miniaturize a shield like this. Yes they had large shields on the access ark, but they were only temporary at best. This boasted that it worked all the time and just needed time to recharge. Now if this was a scam or not, Susie didn't know. But even if it was scrap, if it held some of its former tech that could be extremely useful. Pulling out some of her credits, she bought the thing, and with a 'plunk', it appeared in the slot before her. [center][hider=Susie obtained] VLADOF basic white shield. Capacity 125 A basic VLADOF shield that has a 9% chance to absorb a bullet shot at the wielder, giving it to them as ammo. Shield recharges after taking no damage for 5 seconds. (absorbs every 11th bullet) [/hider][/center] And it... worked! It even sized itself down to fit her great, only taking a small slot on her belt. Yeah it ruined her outfit a bit, but she was soon surrounded by a shield that would absorb every 11th bullet aimed at it, and gave her some extra shields to boot. Very nice. Maybe with how annoyingly fast these cyborgs and other creatures were, this would help her a lot. She didn't find much in her little stroll, and soon returned to the bar to chat with the others on what she had found and may be able to replicate in the future. Blazermate, not being able to partake in any of the festivities, just floated around and made sure no one got too drunk they couldn't do anything. She had ways of getting them back up if they passed out, which it seemed Roland would be close to being after his third bottle, but she'd prefer not to. Or perhaps she would love to do so, but not in a calm way. Oh, she could play out a funny scene for everyone who wasn't drunk to watch, that'd be fun! ============================================================================================== [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/kxxtOHI.png[/img] Level 10 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) - (88/100) [b]Location:[/b] The Under - Termite Kingdom Ruins [b]Word Count:[/b] less than 750 [/center] Sectonia, after giving Rubick his requested stickers and putting away the bottle of magic fairy tears, went back to meet up with the rest of the group as she got a call on her linkpearl. During that travel, she inspected the bottle to see if she got ripped off, but no, this was fairly valuable if a bit mundane. It was a bottle of magical glass that seemed like it could hold almost anything that could fit inside it, even incorporeal things like souls. But it could only hold one thing, and the current thing it held was tears of some great fairy that not only boosted her damage, but healed her to full upon drinking it. Sure the bottle was a bit too small for her, but this would be valuable. And if this was just to get him to start moving, perhaps finding the rest of the poes would offer something extremely useful? She'd at least let the others know about them when she joined the group. Apparently Primrose and Therion had managed to find the place they were looking for, an entrance into the hive. And inside the hive was, well, it was a hive. She'd prefer the area to be full of hexigonal glass and crystals rather than honey, but being a bee herself, she understood what she was looking at and there was a very comforting look of it all either way. What wasn't as comforting were all the wasps bullying about the honey bees, using various mechanical devices to enforce their rule. She had to agree it was smart, but now she had to deal with all of that 'smartness' on the reviving end as there wasn't much opportunity for stealth as they entered the main chamber, with Nadia suggesting the same. As she gave out her bee pun, and looked at the group, Sectonia gestured to herself and Bowser with a look of [color=92278f]"Does it look like this group is about stealth?"[/color] on her face and got herself ready to start to fight off the wasps and drones hovering in the air. The big drone probably had something really, really good inside of it, considering how it looked much stronger than the rest. [color=92278f]"We should deal with the 'eyes in the sky' as it were. I'm sure that big drone above there has something valuable on it."[/color] Sectonia said.