[hider=Character Sheet] [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/8012a2_33810f13979244498fa53e4011a32a1a~mv2.jpg/v1/fill/w_579,h_727,al_c,q_90/file.jpg[/img] [color=FF0000][b]P E R S O N A L I N F O[/b][/color] Name: Callsign: Age: Height: Weight: [color=FF0000][b]E M P L O Y M E N T :[/b][/color] What did your character do before being taken? [color=FF0000][b]P E R S O N A L I T Y:[/b][/color] A small overview of them as a person. [color=FF0000][b]F L A W :[/b][/color] Each character must have at least 2 flaws and 2 virtues [color=FF0000][b]F L A W :[/b][/color] [color=FF0000][b]V I R T U E :[/b][/color] [color=FF0000][b]V I R T U E :[/b][/color] [color=FF0000][b]A R M O U R & W E A P O N R Y[/b][/color] Primary: Primary can be a melee or cyberware if you wish. You can have all four of these options if you wish. Side Arm: Optional Melee: Optional Armour: Optional Augmentations/Cyberware: Two maximum and are to be chosen from in-game upgrades. We will allow you to create your own but it will have to be signed off by both GM’s. You will receive plenty of opportunities to upgrade your characters as we progress. Quickhacks: Are optional and are to be chosen from in game list. We will allow creation of your own but it will need signing off by both GM’s. [color=FF0000][b]S K I L L S[/b][/color] 18 points of distribution, everyone starts at 8 and it works the same as DnD. 8=-1 disadvantage, 10 is 0 12 is +1, 14 is +2, max is 15. Pick two sub-categories at 14 points or over to receive two dice advantages in. Two sub-categories of the same overall attribute can be chosen. Body: The Body attribute determines your raw physical power and survivability/toughness. Subcategories: Melee/Fist Fighting, Close Quarter Ranged Combat/Heavy Weapons or Athleticism/Feats of Strength. Reflexes: The Reflexes attribute determines your manoeuvrability. Think acrobatics, agility, quick draw, blade work, accuracy of guns. Subcategories: Assault weapons (non-tech Assault Rifles, Precision Rifles, Sniper Rifles or SMGs and Pistols), Blades (includes Cyberware blades and wires) or Agility/Acrobatics. Technical Ability: Engineering knowhow. Explosives, tech weapons, armour expertise, repair tech, improve tech. Subcategories: All Tech Weapons, Explosives and Repair/Mod. Intelligence: The Intelligence attribute determines your netrunning proficiency. Increase RAM and enable better access to higher levelled quickhacks. Subcategories: Hack speed or Daemon effectiveness. Cool: Stealth and speech. Fast talking, calm under pressure and the ability to move around in the shadows. Subcategories: Speech or Stealth Example: Body 8 (-1 Disadvantage) Reflexes 14 +6 (+2 Advantage) Tech 10 +2 (No Advantage) Intel 12 +4 (+1 Advantage) Cool 14 +6 (+2 Advantage) Subcategory Advantages: Blades and Stealth (2 dice rolls each time this skill check occurs, higher of the two is chosen.) [color=FF0000][b]R E L A T I O N S[/b][/color] List who your character is close to and why. Mum: cause she’s me ma [color=FF0000][b]H I S T O R Y[/b][/color] Character history/background. [color=FF0000][b]C Y B E R P S Y C H O[/b][/color] Your cyberpsychosis will manifest itself in subtle ways to begin with. Shadows that disappear the moment you turn your head, a glitch that disappears with a second take, an object that exists only in your peripherals. Though, in time, a being will begin to appear. This creature will be of your design. Friend, foe, person of your dreams, person of your nightmares. Who they are, what they look like and what they mean to your character are up to you. Please post pictures and brief descriptions of personalities. [/hider]