[hider=Alan Z. Nguyen] [center][h2]“Magic is a realm waiting to be conquered.”[/h2][/center] [center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1092905446999859342/1137478334050205826/250891_8s8dOyRp.png[/img][/center] [center][h2][u]Alan Z. Nguyen[/u][/h2][/center][hr] [list] [*] Age – 48 [*] Height/Weight – 5'9"(175cm) / 185lbs(85kg) [*] Race – Human [*] Occupation – Arcanoscientific Studies & Physics Researher [/list] [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u] Alan is a worn-out-looking middle-aged man with significant eyebags (from overworking himself), and piercing bright-blue colored eyes complimenting a rich dark-tan complexion. Despite his exhausted disposition and hunched over stature, he still bears admirable features, and benefits from a most remarkable build given his inclination towards self-sufficiency. Although starkly monocolored, Alan favors a broad wardrobe of clothing, which may be used in any number of situations ranging from casual discussions at a café table to high-society meetings. [u][b]Personality[/b][/u] Faithful to a genuine, noble cause, Alan firmly believes in sincere kindness for the mere sake of altruism. However, the darkness fostered in the heart of mankind, that only seemed to grow ever murkier, had taught him early on such naivety only led those behind the curve towards their unjust suffering. Sacrifices were a necessary evil. Although in spite of his harsh, seemingly cold and rigorous exterior, Alan still homed a kind-hearted spirit and well-meaning nature, aspects of himself that often came into conflict with his work-life and ambitions and the world surrounding him. [u][b]Backstory[/b][/u] Ever since the advent of machinery in Caledon pushed forward a new era for humanity, the field of magic was regressed into an obsolote craft that reflected the passage of a past filled with savagery and subjugation. The future reeked of burned charcoal, chemical vapors, and rusted iron. However, there still were those pockets in society that desired not to shun the arcane entirely, but to learn its intricacies and, if possible, discover intuitive ways to introduce it into the scientific world to be used in conjuction with their mechanisms, for it herded promising concepts such as unlimited renewable energy and great potential for achieving unbelievable feats. Alan stands for a future where unnatural phenomena and machine are united as one. He homes in his studies into finding out practical ways to reign in the mystical environment magic creates, dispel the mythical aura around them through sound hypotheses, and how to incorporate them into what they [i]know[/i] about science. Regardless of the judgmental sentiments from some of his peers. Now, if only there [i]was[/i] a logical explanation to the strange happenings of Caledon as of late... [/hider]