[h1]Astro Megatimeship[/h1] As the Rangers assembled on the ground, Raekar sent back an acknowledgement to the Hammond. She then responded to the Malevolence's questioning of their actions. "My Rangers work better on the ground, as does my ship. And we made sure to choose an LZ from the approved list of sites." before pressing the intercomm "Rangers, get some readings from down there, the George Hammond wants to teleport some of their men down, but want some readings of the area before they do. Secure the area and get some readings. And if you can get me some samples of those Replicator things to study, that'd be great. We may need to develop some new weapons to fight them. "Acknowledged." Jack responded. Looking around the landing site, they seem to have landed in an industrial area. He waved a finger around in the air to silently indicate to the others to spread out. The 7 Rangers did so, using their wrist communicators to scan the area. Frankly, they didn't understand a number of the exotic particles being used in the powering of this great City Planet. Anthracite, Tibana and Hypermatter being foreign concepts to them. Despite the large buildings surrounding them, as far as they could tell, they were relatively alone in this landing site. No energies like the ones Daniel had warned them about. The Rangers quickly sent their readings back to Raekar who forwarded them to the ships in Orbit. "I... HUNGER... FOR BATTLE..." The voice came through the intercom. "Trypticon, i appreciate your wish for battle, but we don't want to tip our hand until we need to." Raekar responded to the ship. "These things are powerful and numerous. They thrive on information. We need to deprive them of as much as possible." "I... WILL... WAIT..." It grunted in acknowledgement. Raekar shook her head. She then pressed to hail the George Hammond again. "We're sending you all the info we can get from down here. Just tell us what you need doing and my Rangers will get it done."