[img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/389b65e0-f6ae-4ad4-b45b-e1826e18220f.jpg[/img] As the intercom on the Blue Typhoon played the message from [i]Malevolence[/i], both Sonic and Tails looked up. The fox was about to reply, letting [i]Malevolence[/i] know that they were about to head back into space, but Sonic spoke first. "You talking about the nonsense about nanomachines" and "planetary quarantines?" Sonic asked, remembering the lecture about those two things before being sent on this mission. The blue hedgehog chuckled, before speaking again. "Nanomachines can't catch the fastest thing alive. I'd like to see them try." Sonic said, receiving an annoyed look from Tails. "I believe that we should still get out of here, despite what you say. A common cold could catch you, Sonic." Tails said, looking at his watch as another message came in. "Looks like [i]Hammond[/i] is sending some of their members down." Tails said, looking at the message he received. "Do you still want us to head back into space now?" Sonic asked, speaking to the [i]Malevolence[/i]. "This is Tails, operator of [i]Blue Typhoon[/i] to [i]Hammond. [/i] Which of your crew are you sending down?" Tails said over the intercom, ignoring Sonic's words.