[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ONd4lpK.png[/img][/center] [color=00F8FE]Time: Morning Location: Papa Edin’s big important tea party! Interactions: Wulfric [@Silverpaw], Mina [@Tae], Alexander [@FunnyGuy][/color] [color=9FA1A4] Seeing Wulrfric’s enthusiasm for the situation only made Callum more irritated. Wulfy’s smug expression was like fingernails scraping down a chalkboard. He chewed at his tongue to stop himself from mimicking Wulfric’s words and tone. [color=ab274f]“And [i]you[/i] should prioritize that charity of yours. I suggest you start by using this event to identify potential backers.”[/color] [color=00F8FE]“Yeah, well maybe I will.”[/color] He mumbled and rolled his eyes at his brother. Then Wulfric had the nerve to imply Cal was a liar before walking off. So maybe he lied sometimes, when he [i]had[/i] to, but there were far worse things to be than a liar. He hadn’t interfered with Wulfric’s little investigation, and here was Wulfric interfering with Callum’s plan. The whole point was to make Edin foot the bill for this. If his family could afford to pay for all sorts of expensive grand events they could certainly pay to ensure their people were fed. Now Callum would have to talk to people, people he wasn’t used to talking to, in order to make sure this happened. It would still be worth doing, but it wasn’t how he wanted it to happen. Funny how Wulfric had nothing to say about all the bullshit that constantly flew out of Edin’s mouth. And Edin’s response offered a slight stutter from the king, letting Cal know he’d at least thrown the man off a little. The satisfaction didn’t last long as Edin soon made another declaration. At least Callum wasn’t alone in finding Edin’s every word ridiculous, strangely enough, it seemed Leo found a great deal of humor in the king’s speech as well. [color=DDB775]"Our dear Prince Callum has displayed extraordinary courage by pledging to abstain from alcohol."[/color] [color=00F8FE][i]Fat chance old man.[/i][/color] Cal thought and offered the king only a malicious smile before turning his back on the king. He scanned the crowd, desperate for a familiar face, but caught no sign of Roman, Ari, or even Farim. He’d spoken with Violet before but she was talking to Wulfric and Callum had no desire to go over there. Ari’s brother was here, talking to Sadie and he could talk to them but they seemed busy, maybe even flirting, and he didn’t want to interrupt. So while he wanted to just pace around and wait for someone he sort of knew to talk to, he ended up approaching Mina and a man he didn’t recognize even though they too seemed wrapped up in a private conversation. He carried two plates of Ezra’s cake as an awkward icebreaker. [color=00F8FE]“Good morning, can I interest either of you in some cake made by the skilled hands of my favorite baker?”[/color] Callum asked, offering up the plates. The new plan; offer cake, ask people to back his charity plans, and then get out of this tea party as soon as possible.[/color]