[center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1110269077894742088/1134313066968907796/BB.gif[/img][/center] [color=gray][sup][b][color=8F2A2A]INTERACTIONS:[/color][/b] Bulk [b][color=8F2A2A]MENTIONS:[/color][/b] Bulk [b][color=8F2A2A]LOCATION:[/color][/b] Recreation Room[/sup][/color] [hr] [color=darkgray]It all became a blur. At one point she was standing there as some jamoke prattled on about his facility and how they were here to learn or grow or some bullshit when the fight broke out. Brooklyn had been looking forward to it. Cracking skulls and asserting dominance. However, as quickly as it started, it was finished. Injured people, both security and inmates alike (because as pretty a place and name you want to put on your brochure is, this was still a prison). Brooklyn became even more agitated. In fairness, her first chip was the damn otter that joined them that NO ONE was talking about still. The second was the warden or whoever. She wanted to punch his face. He had a very punchable face and, in her experience, people with punchable faces often held views or did things that warranted face punches. She was a bit beefed the stocky guy who made the first comment towards the warden hadn't said a peep since. He was one of the few here she felt any semblance of a connection to. Annoying, actually. But she bit her tongue (a rare feat). As much as she wanted to start shit again, she didn't wish to get those injured or those unable to handle themselves caught in the crossfire. She counted, on one hand, those that fell in that purview, but she was the poster child of 'not judging a book by its cover'. She followed along with the group inside. She took special care in noting weaknesses in the facility; guards not being alert, walls that looked like they could be plowed through, makeshift weapons if it came to that. Soon they were in the rec room and were introduced to the others within the facility. Their makeshift tour guide droned on, but Brooklyn couldn't be bothered to care all that much. Instead, she glanced at the others, sizing them up. As her head turned, she felt a shadow over her. She turned back to see a mountain of a man standing there, staring at her. He was cute in a "golden retriever" type of way, though she got the sense there was nothing behind those eyes. And her thoughts were confirmed when he just. continued. to. stare! [color=8F2A2A]"Keep starin' at me and I'll rip your arms off and play jump rope with 'em."[/color] The nerve of this dude! [color=8F2A2A]"Anyone going to claim their lost lamb here?"[/color] Perhaps he was lost from a tour group and got separated from his mommy. Either way, she had little time to be hand-holding anyone here. [color=8F2A2A]"What happened to hello? How are you? My name is? What just cuz you're locked up you get to be rude? I'm not the broad to try that with."[/color] [/color]