[center] Promise Enrique Promise was already dressed in his work trousers, he would put one hand in one of his many pockets while staring at the sky from his window, seemed the sun wasn't ready to rise as it still hid under the clouds or was it just having lazy day? Either way it wouldn't matter to Promise, he had worked in cold before and wasn't going to miss day at work or depend on the sun waking him up or give him heat. He turned around to face a finished boiled kettle, the steam spouting from it ferociously, the young boy would dunk a teabag into his cup and pour the hot water from the kettle into it, the tea spoon already in it for mixing and pounding the bag. He set it down on the table next to his honeyed toast. Slowly the boy took a bite out of his toast, the sweetness making a slight curve to his mouth, then sipping his cup of tea so quiet it was unheard. Some people his age wouldn't be up as early as he would, but Promise was the sort of person to be grateful for what he gets, and put one hundred and fifty percent into paying the luck off he received. Deep down he was nervous, he had not been working long, the thoughts of future also gave him fright as he thought about working on a Gumi ship alone, without anyone to help him. He would shut his eyes and sigh, as he embraced what he thought was his destiny, to be a mechanic, to work on to improve and repair Gumi ships as it was profitable trade, however a challenging one. However slight doubt sloshed in stomach... [I]"Does it really have to be like this?"[/I] He thought, while gazing into the tea. Finishing his breakfast, and getting on the rest of his attire, he made checks. His bag was zipped and had everything he required, his goggles were on his forehead as usual, and his woolly hat was worn to cover his head, his curled red hair sticking out from the back and sides. He took one look in the mirror. [b]"I am sharp and I am ready,"[/b] he told himself. A few more minutes telling himself the same thing, another reflection would be standing behind him from a distance. Promise caught onto it, but it vanished leaving nothing behind. He would ignore his own question in his head, maybe he had not enough sleep, maybe he was still daydreaming, who knew? As he set out in the darkness, the sun would come out from hiding and begin to glow over Lunaris..[/center]