[color=gray] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/vm76qmi.png[/img][/center] [color=FireBrick][b]Location:[/b] [/color]Tea Party [color=FireBrick][b]Time:[/b] [/color] Sola 23 [color=FireBrick][b]Mentions:[/b] [/color] Charlotte[@princess], Wulfric[@silverpaw], Roman[@sword] [url=https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/3681903f-47dc-4060-bb3f-9be6a4cb40b6.e647eae5856635c34a305bb49a6b22c0.jpeg?odnHeight=450&odnWidth=450&odnBg=ffffff]Shoes[/url] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/20/ed/aa/20edaa65584b90fd07356dfa8d635d23.jpg] Hair [/url] [url=https://img.ltwebstatic.com/images3_pi/2021/08/09/1628495795273d5ffbddacbb591da1390e9b344fc6_thumbnail_600x.jpg]Neckless[/url] [url=https://www.rkbridal.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/700x/17f82f742ffe127f42dca9de82fb58b1/r/k/rk_bridal_its_where_you_buy_your_gown_1089.jpg]Gown[/url] [url=https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSKTPTOL7NaaSkv-ePBcKzsB8GUM-US1mwZxh21C-tN5Z2QYtdDt33FH4uERypG9pGzYVo&usqp=CAU]Parasol[/url] Violet finished writing her letter to Roman just as Wulfric arrived. Sealing the envelope she handed it to the attendant. Scurrying off once again, the attendant left knowing exactly where to deliver the letter. Wulfric’s voice alerted her to his return as she offered him a slight nod of understanding. “Yes, Of course. I know all about family disruptions,” she said referencing the fight she just had with her parents. [i]“You know, I did notice some guests giving you strange looks. Do you have a sixth sense for such things now?”[/i] Letting out a short sigh, Violet replied with a sense of frustration. [color=firebrick]“ Although I cannot see Prince Wulfric, I am not stupid. I can hear the whisperings and feel the discomfort of my presence. It has nothing to do with a sixth sense but rather when you become the jester in a crowd of people you start to pick up on it.”[/color] Reaching for her cup and tea she found it with ease as she took a small sip.[color=firebrick] “Yes, I suppose you are correct. However, it is interesting how I am the injured one, and yet no one besides Lord Ravenwood has been interested in checking into my welfare. People would rather mock and whisper about what may or may not have happened.”[/color] Taking another sip of her tea, Violet leaned forward and placed it on the saucer. Turning her attention towards Wulfric, her crimson eyes fixating on him.[color=firebrick]” So far Charlotte and yourself have been brave enough to try and pull information out of me. For what I have yet to understand; However, I am certain you have your motives as does she. Those motives not being my well-being but your morbid curiosity I assume.”[/color] She leaned back in her chair once again. [color=firebrick]“ But please, correct me if I am wrong. “[/color] she offered a rather fake smile being sure to not reveal the secrets that lay behind it. [/color]