[hider=Thoth][quote] [center][abbr=Thoth as it appeared during the Reaper War. Just pretend it has green lighting now that it's no longer an organic harvesting killing machine.][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/2de7b351-6c07-4f6a-82b5-e67a9375bbb8.jpg[/img][/abbr] [i]"I carry within myself the knowledge of those who came before. All those who fell by our hand. The road to penance is a long and arduous one, but it is one I walk nevertheless."[/i] [/center] [hr][hr] [b]Name of Ship:[/b] Thoth. [b]Home Universe/Name of Franchise:[/b] [url=https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/Reaper#Fate]Mass Effect (AU - Synthesis Ending).[/url] [u][b]Ship Class[/b][/u] [b][url=https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/Codex/The_Reapers#Reaper_Variants]Capital Ship[/url][/b] – Also known as Sovereign-class, the two-kilometer-long capital ships are the most well-known Reaper subtype. Their main weapon is a spinal mounted "magnetohydrodynamic" cannon with a yield of 132 to 450 kilotons of TNT, which dwarfs the main gun of an Everest-class Alliance dreadnought. No known ship, not even a dreadnought, has been known to survive a hit from this weapon. Capital ships are also armed with multiple cannons in their "tendrils" capable of shearing through most opposing vessels in a single hit, a point defense system (similar to the GARDIAN systems favored by organics) for anti-fighter and anti-projectile purposes, and are capable of unleashing swarms of Oculus drones to engage fighter-sized craft. They are extremely durable, capable of taking the continuous and simultaneous fire of four dreadnoughts before they start to lose their kinetic barriers. [b]Role:[/b] Capital Ship. [b]Physical Size (roughly):[/b] 2 kilometers in length/height. [b]Physical Description:[/b] A Reaper is essentially "billions of organic minds, uploaded and conjoined within immortal machine bodies." In terms of physical design, Reapers bear superficial resemblance to a cuttlefish or squid, with a bulky semi-cylindrical body, a tapering plate over the rear and five tentacle-like "legs" or arms extending from its front end, in addition to six jointed legs extending from its body. The rear-most of the larger legs have crescent-shaped extensions. Colossal in size, Reapers are known to range from 160 meters to over 2 kilometers in length. The core of any Reaper is constructed in the image of the species that was harvested to create it, while the exterior follows a standardized design that is most efficient for their purpose. When the Reaper fleet is revealed in dark space, they are shown to all share the same basic design, but with great diversity in limb number, shape and orientation, some with extended heads and others having multiple glowing lights. This may illustrate the variety of Reaper subtypes, as it is revealed during the Reaper invasion of the galaxy that several different varieties of Reaper exist. While the outward appearance varies between subtypes, all of them retain features of their forebears, the Leviathans, an ancient aquatic race that dominated the galaxy in ages past. The largest known Reaper ships essentially copied the Leviathan form while the smaller ones diverge to varying degrees. [b]Armament/Complement (roughly):[/b] The main gun on a Reaper capital ship dwarfs that of the Alliance's Everest-class dreadnoughts. No dreadnought has yet survived a direct hit from the weapon. Estimates put its destructive power anywhere from 132 to 454 kilotons of TNT. Even if the target is hardened, as in the case of a surface-based missile silo, the gun can instead bury the target beneath molten metal. Precise targeting computers and correctors also give Reaper weapons a longer effective range than organics' dreadnoughts or cruisers. The kinetic barriers on a Reaper capital ship can shrug off the firepower of a small fleet. Weapons specifically designed to overcome shields, such as the Javelin, GARDIAN lasers, or the Thanix series, can bypass the barriers to some degree. The difficulty is getting close enough to use them--the surface-mounted weaponry on Reaper ships, similar in principle to GARDIAN, presents an effective defense against organic species' fighters. [b]History of the Ship:[/b] A former member of the larger Reaper armada slumbering in dark space, Thoth had been one of the many capital ships assigned to harvesting the Asari. A task it took to with unrelenting efficiency. Once the Crucible was activated and fired, however, Thoth ceased its assault and left the planet the process the new perspective that had suddenly been foisted upon it. This caused it to gain an understanding of organics it hadn't possessed before along with the rest of the fleet. In the years that followed Thoth would aid the various species in their rebuilding efforts. When all was said and done it would begin an unending voyage across the vast gulf of space, its own form of penance for the atrocities it had committed, sharing and collecting knowledge from/with whoever it met. When Daniel came to it with his offer, Thoth accepted, seeing it as just another step on the long road to redemption. [b]Notable Crew:[/b] N/A. [b][u]Unique Technologies[/u][/b] [b]Indoctrination:[/b] Reaper "indoctrination" is an insidious means of corrupting organic minds, "reprogramming" the brain through physical and psychological conditioning using electromagnetic fields, infrasonic and ultrasonic noise, and other subliminal methods. The Reaper's resulting control over the limbic system leaves the victim highly susceptible to its suggestions. Organics undergoing indoctrination may complain of headaches and buzzing or ringing in their ears. As time passes, they have feelings of "being watched" and hallucinations of "ghostly" presences. Ultimately, the Reaper gains the ability to use the victim's body to amplify its signals, manifesting as "alien" voices in the mind. Indoctrination can create perfect deep cover agents. A Reaper's "suggestions" can manipulate victims into betraying friends, trusting enemies, or viewing the Reaper itself with superstitious awe. Should a Reaper subvert a well-placed political or military leader, the resulting chaos can bring down nations. Long-term physical effects of the manipulation are unsustainable. Higher mental functioning decays, ultimately leaving the victim a gibbering animal. Rapid indoctrination is possible, but causes this decay in days or weeks. Slow, patient indoctrination allows the thrall to last for months or years. The usage of this tactic--as well as nanides and husks--has since fallen out of favor among the Reapers following their merger with organic life at the end of the war. As such, Thoth doesn't typically make use of either system, though they still exist. [b]Eezo Core:[/b] Speculation in the Codex suggests that each individual Reaper has a massive element zero core which, coupled with the likely enormous quantities of energies at its disposal, allows it to generate the staggering mass effect field needed to land ships of their size on a planet. [b]Viruses:[/b] The Reapers are known to use highly advanced computer viruses for other purposes as well, such as to subvert synthetic species that do not willingly join them in their conquest of organic civilizations. Synthetic intelligences would eventually be harvested anyway as they are not a part of the Reapers' ultimate goals. Reaper viruses are not unbeatable; on at least one occasion an unshackled artificial intelligence was able to counteract one. [b]Nanides:[/b] Aside from computer viruses, the Reapers employ other forms of microtechnology, a notable example being nanides, or microscopic robots. Reaper nanides are used in the harvesting of organic species, often deployed through devices such as dragon's teeth to convert organic beings into the mindless, aggressive cyborg husks. Husks are used as ground forces and shock troops by the Reapers, overwhelming their organic enemies and breaking their morale. Occasionally, to bolster husk defenses the Reapers will employ devices known as Barrier Engines that cocoon individual husks in a durable biotic barrier or possess certain husks to improve their combat prowess. For long-range offensives they usually outfit their husks with integral weaponry, although Reapers have been known to also manufacture handheld weapons like the Reaper Blackstar. [b]General Capabilities:[/b] The Reapers are technologically superior to the organic species of the galaxy--but the degree of that superiority is a matter of debate in the intelligence community. The Reapers' thrusters and FTL drives appear to propel them at more than twice the speed of Citadel ships. Estimates of their location in dark space suggest they can travel nearly 30 light-years in a 24-hour period. Reaper power sources seem to violate known physical laws. Reapers usually destroy fuel infrastructure rather than attempting to capture it intact, indicating that Reapers do not require organic species' energy supplies. Consequently, the Reapers attack without regard for maintaining supply lines behind them, except to move husks from one planet to another. Unlike Citadel ships, Reapers do not appear to discharge static buildup from their drive cores, although they sometimes appear wreathed in static discharge when they land on planets. Reapers recognize each other through a complex Identify Friend/Foe system. Reaper interrogation signals do not simply look for a friendly transponder code, they look for a friendly intelligence. If other races attempted to steal the IFF for themselves, the IFF comes with a virus that can potentially disable any system it's connected with. Though they are sentient machines, the Reapers have habitable interiors that can transport a crew, either to help spread their indoctrinated slaves or to allow these slaves to tend to them, probably both. [b]Vulnerabilities:[/b] However, the Reapers are not invincible. When the Reapers go into states of hibernation between cycles, they are vulnerable. By taking refuge in dark space, the Reapers ensure they will not be discovered by accident and destroyed while they wait for their vanguard to open the Citadel mass relay. A concentrated effort by the fleets of organic races could also destroy a Reaper even if it is at full power. Thus, although clearly technologically superior to the Citadel forces, the Reapers have experienced casualties in their battles across the galaxy. This indicates that, theoretically, with the right intelligence, weapons, and strategy, the Reapers could be defeated. Unlike the mass effect relays that they created, Reapers do not have quantum shields. Locking itself down at a quantum level would leave a Reaper unaware of its surroundings until the shielding deactivated. Instead, Reapers rely on kinetic barriers. In the case of a Reaper capital ship, these kinetic barriers can hold off the firepower of two dreadnoughts simultaneously, but three clearly causes strain, and four typically results in destruction. Weapons designed to maximize heat damage, such as the Thanix series, show better results against the Reapers than pure kinetic impacts. The barriers of a Reaper destroyer are less formidable than those of a capital ship. It is possible for a single cruiser or many fighters to disable or demolish a destroyer if they can get within range before they are themselves destroyed. The Reapers' energy sources are also not infinite. For example, to land on a planet, a Reaper must substantially reduce its mass. This transfer of power to its mass effect generators leaves the Reaper's kinetic barriers at only partial strength. Additionally, Sovereign was destroyed while assuming direct control over Saren. The feedback from Saren's death seemed to entirely overload Sovereign's shields. Current Reapers do not seem to suffer from this design flaw, however. Reaper capital ships can turn faster than Citadel dreadnoughts, but to do so, they must lower their mass to a level deemed unacceptable in combat situations. Consequently, it is possible for a dreadnought to emerge from FTL travel behind a capital ship, then bring its guns to bear faster than the Reaper can return fire. This is a poor tactic, however, against Reapers flying in proper formation. [b]Faction/Operator/Owner:[/b] [url=https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/Reaper]The Reapers[/url]/[url=https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/Catalyst]The Catalyst[/url]/[url=https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/Leviathan?so=search]Leviathans (formerly).[/url] [/quote][/hider]