[hider=Sage Magus][u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Sage Magus [u][b]Age:[/b][/u] 17 [u][b]Strengths:[/b][/u] [b]Elemental Magic-[/b] Sage is proficient in one of the harder to learn of the magical arts. A "gift" given to her at birth, she was often told. Unlike other magic users she doesn't commonly outright use the elements as her form of weapon. Most likely due to the obvious magic making her uncomfortable. Instead, she imbues her arrows and sword with magical essence to strengthen her attacks. [b]Archery and Swordsmanship-[/b] One of her biggest hobbies is practicing her skills in these arts. She has a mean shot with a bow. Often using her good aim to trade for goods with game she's hunted. She and Revna have crossed swords may times over the years. She always tells Sage she's a great swordswoman but of course it will only become testable beyond the barrier. [b]Handiness-[/b] Due to her apprenticeship and now ownership of the carpentry shop, she isn't a newcomer to using tools in various ways. It isn't uncommon for her to craft her own arrows for her bow or even craft tools of her own. Tools aren't in abundance so one must make due with what they have. [u][b]Weaknesses:[/b][/u] [b]Poor People Skills-[/b] She isn't incredibly outgoing. Sage has strong values but has a habit of not speaking her mind. The constant fear of being found by the Order has caused her to make few meaningful relationships. Therefore, she doesn't talk to people in an intimate way often and often is tactless on telling her thoughts. [b]Overly Cautious-[/b] It takes her awhile to trust others, finding it easier to not voice her qualms. She is a woman of action and only trusts someone when they have shown they deserve to have it. [u][b]Features:[/b][/u] [hider=Adult Sage][img]https://images.nightcafe.studio/jobs/CDr6AWzjftm5mpx9gpCd/CDr6AWzjftm5mpx9gpCd--4--wdsxp.jpg?tr=w-1600,c-at_max[/img][/hider] [hider=Child Sage][img]https://image.lexica.art/md2/c2511963-d2ba-41a7-b00b-c1bb8ea37ee5[/img][/hider] [u][b]Connections:[/b][/u] [b]Brother Osric St. Remigius-[/b] They were close friends when she was part of the Order. This is the first time she's seen him in over 4 years and she isn't sure he knows she's even alive. Sage does still feel a sense of protectiveness and care for him despite time. [b]Revna-[/b] When she first came to the village at thirteen it hadn't been long before they met. Throughout the years the two became close with their love of swordsmanship and fighting. While Sage would never pick a fight. Always preferring to just let things go to not draw attention her friend always seemed to get into something. It wasn't uncommon Revna would end up at Sage's cabin to get patched up. When Gramps was alive, he'd lecture Revna for a few minutes before asking her if she kicked their asses. He always had had a soft spot for the barbaric woman. Sage had come to know Revna's father like an uncle. As he and her adopted grandfather often did business. It was her who comforted Revna when her father left to die in the glory of battle. As is tradition in their culture. [u][b]Bio:[/b][/u] She was one of the last children ever born in this world and her parents were always a mystery. As a baby she was abandoned at the outskirts of Saint Antonia. Sage was found by a nun of the Monastery named Palina, who was checking on a report of a child claiming to possess magic. The only thing wrapped in her blanket, a card, stating her name, Sage Magus. As an orphan she was brought back to the Monastery and raised there. It became apparent as she grew that Sage was a peculiar child. She kept to herself and worked on many things that weren't necessarily lady-like. Often scolded for getting her dresses dirty with saw dust, soot, and oils. Sage would often disappear, being found in the stable sound asleep with the horses. The other children weren't fond of her and so she had to entertain herself. Making friends with animals and testing her mind with problem solving games and puzzles. At the age of 9 she was being tormented by some of the other children. They cornered her against the building and threatened her, pulled her hair, laughed at her. It became too much and in a fit of panic she lit one of the boys on fire, with her hand. He ended up fine, minor burns, but she was immediately taken to the Order of Holy Wisdom. There she was forced to hone her abilities and study magic. The restrictiveness felt like an iron grip. Sage felt she couldn't be herself. It was as if she was a mere puppet and them her string masters. So at the age of 13, she ran. She ran away during a time she knew their guard would be down. With no place to go she wondered. Slept in alleyways and traded hand crafted arrows for food. This went on for a while until a storm rolled in. She took cover on the back porch of an elderly man's cottage. He found her and took her in. In exchange for cleaning, cooking, and helping him in his carpentry shop; he gave her a warm bed and supportive companionship. She never told him of her magic and told herself it was better if no one knew about her "gifts". When he died, he left his house and shop to her. He had no other family as his wife and son had been killed in the fall of the world. So once again she was alone. A few friends around the village and her work in the shop kept her busy. During the night she practices her archery and sword wielding. On rare occurrences Sage will practice infusing these weapons with elemental magic. Only when no one's watching her. She doesn't want to bring attention to the fact she's proficient in a difficult form of magic. It's the reason she had to run away in the first place. [u][b]Assembly Response:[/b][/u] It wasn't every day a General Assembly is called. It caught the attention of even Sage. Whom for lack of a better word, was less than thrilled about attending. The curiosity got the better of her. It didn't help that her best friend Hendrick insisted that she should go with him. She stayed hidden under an overhang to watch. As always being careful to not have any attention drawn to her. Imagine her surprise when the last person she thought would step up to speak. Memories of childhood laughter and a fleeting friendship came rushing back to her mind. One of the only kindnesses she had been afforded in her days of the Order. He was one of the only people she had felt she could have been close too. On the night of her escape she had nearly told him of her plans. A part of her wanted to ask him to come with her, but she knew he never would have. That place was a hell to her but a blessing to him. Sage wouldn't be able to forget Osric if she tried. Now it appeared as she had grown into a capable woman, he too had grown into a fine young man, a disciple of the Order. Brother Osric. His speech made something in her feral. She couldn't quite place why it made her want to jump straight in. Maybe it's because leaving this place would maybe allow her to not have to watch herself every second. Even outside the Order her life was full of restrictions. Maybe it's because seeing her old friend face his death alone, made her feel guilty. She had left him with no explanation. No matter what, she knew she wanted to join him. No matter how absolutely awkward it was going to be for a while. She owed him to at least help protect him on his quest and get him back safely. Unfortunately, she also knew she couldn't just sign up to go either. She'd have to join his party on the outskirts of the barrier. The Order couldn't know she was involved. The fear of just the thought of being forced back was enough to cause a little hesitation. Sage wanted her life to mean something besides hiding in fear. The orphan that just wants to be invisible. It's not her ideal way of living the rest of her life.[/hider]