[@Zeroth] I will try to answer all your questions to the best of my ability! Firstly, your idea for your character's power is interesting! You're encouraged to use your character's powers as creative and be as complex as you'd like! The only rules are that you can't be OP (so you're character is not a god, there has to be some drawbacks because at the end of the day your character is still technically human and therefore get hurt and could even die), and it has to make sense within the scope of their powers. As for your questions regarding the world: [hider=The World] 1.) The gifted have become fairly common amongst the populace as nearly 200 years have passed since the first gen of Gifted were made. As for exact numbers, roughly between 10% and 15% of the worlds population are considered gifted but the exact percentage is still unknown due to the amount of Gifted hiding their powers or "passing" as non gifted contributes to those results. They're still very much the minority. 2.) Much like any other genetics, some genes are dominant and others are recessive; gifted genetics work very similar. Some non-gifted can even be carriers for certain genes but will never manifest powers of their own. It takes centuries for certain genetics to be passed on and become a dominant trait and there just hasn't been enough time for it be more common than it currently is. 3.) There isn't anything necessarily stoping the Gifted from getting ahold of the technology in the same way you or I getting our hands on military weaponry. Sure it's possible but it'd be incredibly difficult and most certainly is illegal. It is likely a couple Gifted [i]have[/i] gotten ahold of Hunter tech but they wouldn't know how to use it or have the resources to reconstruct the tech they've obtained 4.) The commonality percentage of each class rank as follows: Alpha = 5%, Beta = 45%, Delta = 49%, Omega = 1% 5.) So this question is a bit tricky, because while the Gifted are technically human and therefore come from the same building blocks as the non-gifted, there are obviously differences between the non-gifted and the gifted humans. Each gifted has their own drawbacks and so oftentimes, they are not immune to their own powers but [i]could[/i] in theory gain a certain level of tolerance over time. For example, my character, Ophelia, has the ability of pyrokinesis but she's not fireproof/heatproof; her body can burn and she can get heatstroke but the temperature would have to be higher than what a non-gifted person's body could handle. I hope this provides some clarity! [/hider]