[center][h1][color=#EEE8AA]Ezekiel Kel[/color][/h1] [img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/e7a77ef74fdd6e09c04e7114054e893e/tumblr_inline_n6nwypp6Pl1sftto9.gif[/img] [I][color=#EEE8AA]Location:[/color][/i] Streets ---> Abandoned Building [color=#EEE8AA]Skills:[/color] [/center] [hr][hr] Once Nancy was ready, Ezekiel led the way across the street. He scanned the road, sidewalks, and the building for signs of people and activity. The street was still pretty active with people. The building itself looked blissfully unoccupied, and the security cameras looked to be down or broken, with loose wires hanging out of some of them. He stepped back from the front door and looked around to see there was an alleyway. [color=#EEE8AA]”Let’s try the side of the building — fewer eyes,”[/color] he said before moving forward. Ezekiel scanned the length of the building before deciding on a window to break. He could boost himself up and help Nancy if she needed it — first things first: the window. Ezekiel pulled around his pack and grabbed the wet shirt he cleaned at Burger King. He wrapped it around his fist and forearm before putting his backpack on once more. Glancing around quickly, Ezekiel smashed his fist through the glass, shielding his face from the spray of glass. Afterwards, he ran the shirt along the window frame to knock any glass loose to prevent him or Nancy from getting cut. He laid his shirt out on the bottom of the windowsill before he boosted himself up and over. He hit the ground inside the building with an echoing thud; pausing a moment, Zeke looked around before moving aside. [color=#EEE8AA]”Let me know if you need a hand,”[/color] he offered Nancy. Ezekiel waited for Nancy, helping her or not, before he moved away from the window. [color=#EEE8AA]”See if you can find anything to cover that,”[/color] he suggested to Nancy, nodding to the broken window before he grabbed his shirt. [color=#EEE8AA]”I’m going to check the place out. Make sure we are the only ones in here.”[/color] His bow appeared, and he notched an arrow before securing the perimeter. It didn’t take Zeke long. The place had a very open concept. [color=#EEE8AA]”All clear,”[/color] he announced, rejoining Nancy. [color=#EEE8AA]”Everything is pretty much toast in here, but there is lots of room for sparring if you feel up to it.”[/color] It would be a good way to pass some time and keep them fighting ready. Plus, if Nancy had any built-up emotion she needed to get out, what better way than to trash a run-down gym?