[indent][b]Neomi Adams[/b][/indent] Neomi listened attentively. Everyone had different powers. She had many questions running through her head, but she kept quiet, as others made their own turns to talk. Instead, she quietly sat down, shifting her backpack into her lap, and tried to heed the advice of Yiya. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes. This was the first time she had ever been on a train, and relaxing was not something she felt she could do, especially after seeing the Rue. Although, the motions of the train had a nice lull. [i]I can do this.[/i] Neomi said to herself. She took in a deep breath, but before she could exhale, the train jerked. "What was that?" Neomi asked. Her eyes were wide open, now. She was anything but relaxed. [i]I totally spoke too soon. Figures.[/i] Her hands clutched her backpack as the train continued to make jerking motions. Her body rocked with the movements as she tried not to lose her balance while sitting of all things. As Neomi attempted to regain her composure, she noticed the dark shadows looming outside the window of the train. Her mouth fell open. "Or maybe we should just keep going?" Her eyes shifted from person to person. Maybe she was being a coward, but at the same time, she kind of felt like running from the fight, "Like, we're super outnumbered, and to be honest, I would like to think Sasha's gun could stop them all, but there's basically an army out there. They also don't seem very reasonable, as much as a Rue-empath as you are..." Her eyes shifted downwards, "And, I'm pretty useless...at the moment." She looked over at the tall, gangly guy, resisting the urge to say anything negative about him, as well. Her body jerked again with the movements of the train, again, and she hugged her backpack tightly. Having all of her belongings scattered all over the place would surely only make things worse. In the meantime, she was going to wait for Yiya's instructions.