[h3][u]▬▬ Thoth ▬▬[/u][/h3][i][b]Location:[/b] In geosynchronous orbit over Coruscant.[/i] From umbra to umbra did Thoth travel, in a manner of speaking anyway. As the lightless void of the interspace it and Daniel had first conversed in gradually faded away, only to be replaced with the ecumenopolis that was Coruscant and the rest of the Corusca sector, the ancient bio-synthetic machine let its sensors fall over its environs like a web, scanning everything it could as it slid into orbit alongside the rest of the ships the ascended entity had collected-- the [color=00ffff]Avenger[/color] specifically. Confined, for now at least, to one section of the planet below it found the Replicators, skittering to and fro like Rachni as they consumed anything they could get their gluttonous little claws on. Immediately it decided that something needed to be done, as the quarantining bombardment would only remain effective for so long. Based on the planet's nested structure, it was probable that the Replicators would inevitably make their way down to the lower levels so that they could bypass the fleet's bombardment entirely. From there it was only a matter of time until they managed to get off-world, be that by stowing away on some kind of civilian vessel that had been left behind or something of their own construction. So, sending out a friendly IFF signal to the surrounding armada to avoid any misunderstandings or wasteful engagements, Thoth engaged its primary drive and made its way down to the planet's surface post-haste. Static discharge flared along its hull as it breached the atmosphere (a result of its mass effect field being activated), making for quite the ominous sight as it came to rest in the air a few kilometers away from the exclusion zone being maintained by the ships in orbit. Letting loose a deafening bellow, it powered up its magnetohydrodynamic cannon, adding its emerald beam to the hail of ordinance currently raining down from on high. Its goal? To create a more effective semi-permanent barrier of molten slag. Nothing the Replicators couldn't eat through of course, but something that would inconvenience them just the tiniest bit further.