Hi everyone. It's been a while sense I've done this, so pardon if I'm a bit rusty. I'm currently starting a new chapter of my life. One that, I hope, will be the beginning of my rise to happiness. I could go on and on about what that means. But I'll make things short. My name is Sean. I am 29 years old, and I live in the USA. I have a grand total of 9 years of RP experience ranging from forum-based RP, Online Video Game RP Clans, to tabletop RP (Such as D&D/Pathfinder/ETC.). I haven't done any RP in the last four years because I spent the last four years battling addiction. Thankfully I have been clean sense February. Now I am currently working on getting back into healthy hobbies. RP, to me? Is one of the healthiest mental hobbies you can have. I look forward to writing stories that make us laugh and cry. I look forward to us writing characters that we can hate, and love. I want to build worlds and destroy them with you. One of the greatest ways to express yourself is through writing and I can't wait to show you the person I am, and see the people you are, through the stories we write together.