[hr][hr][center][h2][color=#B22222]Cassiopeia Hood[/color][/h2][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/3b8cc83d5fa1d5da5433bb178b35c3a7/tumblr_inline_ndo15zlvpy1rg1vaj.gif[/img][hr][color=#B22222]Location:[/color] Inside Tower [color=#B22222]Skills:[/color] [hr][hr][/center] [i]Camping.[/i] Of course, Rose wanted to go camping. Cassiopeia smiled softly at Rose, so happy she agreed to date her. [color=#B22222]”Alright. I’ll make it happen,”[/color] she decided. [color=#B22222]”Would you want to camp here or back in Witchita?”[/color] It just occurred to Cassiopeia that she was starting to miss home. It could be because she was just injured, but it was something that they should figure out. She also needed to talk to Layla about it. The two of them had never been separated. She refocused on her injury and Megan. She nodded, feeling better once the bandage was on. In this environment, extra protection wasn’t a bad idea. She sat up, swinging her legs over to the side with a slight wince as her skin shifted under the stitches. [color=#B22222]”I don’t know about you, but I could use a shower or something. And something to eat.”[/color] The adrenaline from being stitched up started to wear off, leaving Cassi thinking about her other needs. [hr][hr][center][h2][color=#F08080]Willow Jones[/color][/h2][img]https://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/34400000/Klaus-Mikaelson-Caroline-Forbes-klaus-and-caroline-34448889-245-245.gif[/img][hr][color=#F08080]Location:[/color] Tower — Outside [color=#F08080]Skills:[/color] [hr][hr][/center] Willow ended up glancing at Sierra a few times and watched Colby with Matthew. She had gotten to know the two of them a bit more with their quest, and she found she didn’t mind them. Colby was a little rough around the edges. He was very guarded, but there was always a reason for that. Willow had to remind herself to shut her psych brain off. No one liked to be counselled when they didn’t ask for it. [color=#F08080]”Ya, I’m sure we will have a plan in place tomorrow. It would be good to execute it once we have all had a restful sleep.”[/color] Willow stood and shook her dress before heading for the door. After they took down Maleficent, they would have so many options. She could potentially stay and get to know this land and her family more. Or she could go home and continue with her old life. Maybe she could go back and forth between worlds like a timeshare.