[quote=@Havoccultist] Anything antimatter should, scientifically speaking, absolutely annihilate a Replicator. You cannot escape the fact that they're made of positively particles, which will annihilate upon contact with anti-particles completely to create a massive burst of energy. And sometimes new particles. https://www.ucl.ac.uk/culture-online/case-studies/2022/mar/what-happens-when-matter-and-antimatter-collide#:~:text=When%20matter%20and%20antimatter%20collide%2C%20the%20particles%20destroy%20each%20other,quark%20%E2%80%93%20see%20figure%20below). There will be no "damage" to recover from. Only kaboom. It's why I so often avoid antimatter weaponry. Or note the actual science, because it's downright devastating. [/quote] I see. Well, Avalon is just one small ship (compared to most of the others here), and if it somehow got infected... well, that would be very bad. Imagine the Replicators with Wave Motion Tech. And, also, shields are great at dealing with it, at least in the SBY universe.