[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/rtwLejQ.png[/img] [color=f26522]Time[/color]: around noon [color=f26522]Location[/color]: the beach [color=f26522]Interactions[/color]: Charlotte [@princess], Sjan-dehk [@Apex Sunburn], Farim [@Lava Alckon], Dr. John [@Conscripts], [color=f26522]Mentions in order[/color]:Lorenzo [@FunnyGuy], Ruby [@SausagePat], Kazoo [@samreaper], Ariella [@Tpartywithzombi] Olivia [@potter], Cassius [@PapaOso], and others [color=f26522]outfit:[/color] swimsuit being a long forest brown loin cloth and speedo mix[/center] [hr][hr] The warm greeting from charlotte made his smile even brighter and was happy to help her carry a few shakes from the vendor and back to the others. it was always nice to see her and it seemed that his first suspicions were right as to the colorful nature of the others she kept in her presence. Even Sjan-dehk showed up and joined them. [color=f26522]“good morning to you as well Sjan-dehk, I do hope one of our missives was able to reach your diplomat yesterday?”[/color] he wasn’t sure if Erik was able to return the message to the lady that he had escorted here but he hoped he did. Another nod a Farim, [color=f26522]“I am glad that we were able to run into one another on such a day and without the restrictiveness of the high courts and paperwork to get in the way. It seems you are enjoying yourself friend.”[/color] He was glad he was on good terms with both Farim and Munir they had their faults but he found that the two of them where actually good company compared to most of their family. “[color=f26522]ill continue to stand thank you, I’m still dripping.[/color]” Motioning to the water dripping off his loincloth, “[color=f26522]but it is a pleasure to meet you all.[/color]” One of the others that he wasn’t too particular about did slither her way right into their nice day. The tension that grew with her words was striking to say the least. The confidence in her arrogant speech was palpable, more so with the presence of her guards that seemed to eye him incredulously as they approached. This in turn made him take a single step closer to John, not out of fear but he was the only one there he absolutely had to protect if everything went south. The way he looked at the girl was more of disproving then rage even if it did make him upset. Seeing her take charlotte’s ribbon and pour out her drink on her almost made him lose his cool. The quick thoughts of how he could quickly disable her before her guards reacted flashed through his mind. A broken knee, dislocated shoulder, a few broken ribs for good measure. Not deadly but a statement on how to treat others. he shot a glance to John that said he was angry but wouldn’t respond, they both had to play their part and continue the charade of non-violence or at the very least poor fighters in public. Roman had half a mind to pick a fight but soon found that he would not have too yet. Keeping up his guard and defensively stepping closer to Charlotte as the others threw insults and Farim disabled a few of her guards. Even Sjan-dehk had a few choice words in his native tongue pulling his pistol free. A few new comers he could see approach, one that shouted at the Alidasht princess and another he recognized as Cassius Damien from the archery competition. It seemed Cassius also approached in a defensive manner. In a few moments it seemed that the princess wasn’t going to retaliate, if she did he would definitely intervein before letting the others. out of those he could see here he believed that he likely held the most political sway out of the others followed close behind by Farim. He was well aware that his name carried weight in the royal echelons as he has personally made and hand delivered items to several of them. As well as being in very lucrative trade deals with them through the Ravenwood Artisans guild and their subsidiaries. In total his family held a significant portion of trade throughout the kingdoms in almost every type of importation and exportation. Roman turned back to Charlotte with a warm smile just as he had before, “[color=f26522]Well now you really don’t have a reason not to go swimming.[/color]” Trying to make light of the situation and cheer her up, [color=f26522]“you can’t control the actions of others but you can decide how you let it affect you. So how about a swim? and tonight if you like, I would like to invite you and the others here.”[/color] He motioned to the others with a quick look and hand gesture. “[color=f26522]To my people’s celebration and ritual of the summer solstice out by lover’s lake tonight. Clothing is optional.[/color]” He smiled again clearly trying his best to pull her mind off the topic at hand and onto the future.