[center][h2]Rozaliya “Rose” Tarasova[/h2][/center] Fifty feet above the ground, the claws digging through the concrete finally lost momentum and Rose was left hanging from the side of a building overlooking the ruined street. The other had all already hit the ground and started engaging the Warped, carving through the lesser enemies with ease. Seeing as how they had it covered for now, she saw no rush to join them; instead, she used her vantage point to get a view of the battlefield and kept an eye out for anything troublesome. She knew first-hand how quickly things could get out of control or how fast one of the stronger Warped could bear down on you, but so far none of the bigger threats seemed to have noticed them or had enough time to reach their front lines; they would in time, they always did, but for now it was just Oni and slightly bigger Oni they had to worry about. Deciding that she’d slacked off enough, Rose pulled her claws free from the concrete and pushed off of the building with both feet, angling herself towards a dense pocket of Warped as she launched herself down the street to catch up with the others. She descended upon the Oni like a whirlwind of blades, twisting her body to lash out with both arms at the nearest Warped to decapitate two at the same time. As she landed, she pirouetted around and whipped her spiked tail into the temple of another, knocking them off their feet and piecing their skull in the same motion. Then they closed in, aware of her now, but more sweeps of her arms meant that she was soon standing alone in a circle of dismembered, decapitated and bisected Oni. Letting out a sigh, Rose turned her head to locate the next largest grouping of Warped and began to walk in that direction. Her claws could easily deal with these smaller variants, the over-sized blades slicing them to ribbons, but the larger ones where a pain since she couldn’t cleanly cut through them all the way. She didn’t like leaving anything alive long enough to be a threat to her.