[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/TYxxRJnQ/Header-1.webp[/img][/center] [color=gainsboro]The Director's leather shoes clacked along the most immediate route back to his office. The troublesome boy would be taken a more circuitous route, possibly via a holding cell in a more secure section, so that he might be more susceptible to receiving the conversation about the severity of the situation in which he finds himself. In the interim, there was more work to be done for the most recent new additions to the program.[/color] "I... apologise for my tardiness." [color=gainsboro]He offered as he walked in to find the small, quiet girl sitting opposite his desk.[/color] "We have kept you in here a little while because where possible we don't like adding individual new program attendees to the populus. Socially it's... less than ideal. Cliques and groups form, individuals can have troubles. Its not what we want to do. But your parents were most insistent on seeing you off personally, and we chose to respect their wishes." [color=gainsboro]He said, taking a seat opposite. His speech was crisp, despite clearly being in a situation he was less comfortable with. Perhaps even moreso because of it.[/color] "Your group is currently getting to know each other better in a recreation room, with a small random assortment of other more tenured program-attendees. We find its the best way to ease them in, to what can be considered by some to be a very confronting situation." [color=gainsboro]The Director paused and thought for a moment about the best way to handle this. To send her in under guard escort could itself set a confronting message, but he also didn't want to continue to make his presence overly familiar to the group as they formed bonds and initial introductions. Feeling watched and surveilled, which they of course were regardless of how they felt, could adversely impact behaviour, social integration, trust... Besides, he would have to talk with Frederick Jackson. ...and he would of course want to gain his first impressions on this new group and consider possible early projections. This group was... particularly interesting.[/color] "Grant here will take you to that recreation room, where you will hopefully get to know the other children better." [color=gainsboro]It wasn't apparent whether 'Grant' was the man's first or last name, and this helped soften the relationship and role of the man at present.[/color] [color=gainsboro]Sophia got to her feet and was led down the same pathway to the Recreation wing that the Director had taken, missing Fritz being dragged into a secure section by seconds, a scuffed line from where his shoes had dragged the only sign he'd been there in the first place. They walked down the long corridor and Grant directed her to the Recreation Room where her cohorts were congregated. What would they make of her? What would she make of them?[/color]