[CENTER][h1][color=EB054D][b]RICO[/b][/color][/h1][/center][hr]Eve descending on Phoenix Beach, Rico’s flame was far from blazing. His shoulders slumped, he meandered down the streets that bustled without him, folk buzzing too and fro attractions, hopping from one to the next. [COLOR=EB054D]“Look fun…”[/color] Rico moped, hands clutching the small wad of money, thus far only spent on food. Glancing up at the sky slowly growing darker, then to all the signs on the street advertising places of rest, Rico gritted his teeth, disgust plain, before moving along, path aimless as he went through a few side streets and alleys. The once lively boy was more like the walking dead, shuffling to a stop at a slightly sheltered area, a fence partly broken on one side, an old crate on the other. Curling up between the two, Rico slouched over, eyes closing. As the dim came, the young man tossing and turning, whether he was asleep or awake was uncertain. After the moon was high and Rico’s groans of discomfort a shade quieter, a pair of bare feet happened to patter down the cobblestone walkway. Nose sniffing at the air, a man in a baggy coat with red cargo shorts passed by. Scraggles of blonde and gray hair stuck from under his bucket hat, his face coated in a gray stubble. “Oya oya oya,” he murmured, stopping to see Rico curled up out of the way. Ears perked up, he looked back and forth down the road, then to some of the nearby windows. Leaning down, he whispered, “He, kid, you don’t got a better place to sleep?” Rico let out a low whine. Without opening his eyes, he muttered in a scratchy voice, [COLOR=EB054D]“This spot is mine...”[/color] “Sure is. I can’t say I want it. But if you’re looking for a nice piece of turf to cozy up in you can do way better.” Rico cracked an eye open, the viewfinder narrow. [COLOR=EB054D]“I don’t buy what you’re sellin’ gentlesir.”[/color] “What am I sellin’ exactly?” [COLOR=EB054D]“You’re just gonna trick me!”[/color] Rico pouted, rolling over so his back faced the older man. The fellow watched for a moment before taking a seat, legs crossed. “You’re not some Sunstrider runaway, huh? Off island?” A nod. “Yeah, culture shock will do that. The one who fails to legally defend themselves is in the wrong.” [COLOR=EB054D]“I[/color]t’s [COLOR=EB054D]stu[/color]pid!” the two chanted in unison. Rico rolled back over, eyeing the old man, who added, “So much book smarts and jargon to squeeze a few extra cents out of people. A lot of pain in the ass for just another ‘tool to live’.” Rico tilted his head. [COLOR=EB054D]“I like your funny words, magic man. Say more of them.”[/color] The man let his teeth shine their pale yellow shine. “Name's Wicc Fiforo, nice to meetcha.” [COLOR=EB054D]“Sorry that was like three too many.”[/color] Wicc’s face fell. [COLOR=EB054D]“Aw I’m just fucking with you.”[/color] Wicc smiled again.