[center][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/363556781537886208/1075968221628350566/Court_of_Nuhl.png[/img] [color=E8113C][sub]October 9th, 528 - 12:30am[/sub][/color] [h2][color=E8113C]Execution Level, Execution Chamber - Hasgad Holding Facility[/color][/h2][/center] The blade acted as a lightning rod, lightning twisting out of Hasgad's control and coursing down Roan's arm, searing its spindled path into his forearm. The blade struck true, the inquisitor's screams turning into a hacking, blood cough. The lightning flickered as it faded away, Hasgad grabbing at Roan's wrist uselessly as the light faded from his eyes and the hatred in his face melted away as with one last spit of blood, the Inquisitor slumped to the ground. Chadwick's blade passed smoothly into the vampire's back, a scream cut short as the creature fell unconscious. The other vampire hesitated, his foot holding open the elevator doors, and decided it wasn't worth the effort. He pulled his foot back and slammed a button inside, throwing his weapon at Chadwick as the Inquisitor hit the ground. However, the mages paused where they had been charging down the hallways and changed tactics. Shields covered the hallways and bolts of lightning and ice flew haphazardly down the halls, the ones that missed crashing safely against the other group's shield as they turned every bit of magic against the rebels. The other door opened to the outside, a long dirt road leading down into the forest. There didn't seem to be anyone outside and the quiet of the night was only broken once the facilities alarm started screeching. Along the edge of the woods, a shadowy silhouette separated from the pervasive darkness and the faint moonlight revealed Commander Ryan Agavee making the universal hand signs of [i]Get the fuck out of there![/i]