[hr][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230102/ba8961bf992f7ba7da9efaa7c5eac8eb.png[/img][/center][hr][indent] Things were finally going their way, it looked like--no army of backup was waiting outside the door. Lyra's butterflies hung in the air as she looked around, muttering, [color=crimson]"[i]Tiltoure,[/i]"[/color] to make sure she wasn't unwittingly walking into anyone looking to get the jump on her. The coast was clear and this was their exit, the sight of Commander Agavee in the distance freeing her of any worry. She let out the tiniest sigh of relief, though she knew it wasn't over just yet. The rescue wasn't finished until they were out of there, and Roan was still-- Her thoughts paused there as she shut her eyes. They were too late to save Marie and Dylan wasn't faring well, either. Roan was alright last she checked, but maybe she had been optimistic in hoping to save them all. Pushing those thoughts aside for the moment, she sprinted back in just in time to watch Hasgad crumple to the ground, her butterflies following her and hovering above everyone. She approached the Inquisitor, scoffing a touch. If this was the sort of person to gain that rank, she wasn't going to be afraid of any of them from now on. Alderman needed to raise the bar. Donovan seemed to have lived the electrocution, though she noticed Roan's arm had taken a hit. As much as she wanted to check if he was okay, the onslaught of backup mages told her it was time to go. But first, she got to save [i]the Astorio[/i]. What a great day, even if he likely wouldn't see it as such. [color=crimson]"[i]Actendrelle![/i]"[/color] She cast the shield between Chadwick and the rest, making sure every single spell slung was blocked. [color=crimson]"We're leaving! Quinn, grab Dylan and anyone else that can't walk well! Everyone else, move it!"[/color] She ordered. Her butterflies joined the shield, circling the edges ominously. As soon as she last spell hit, she dismissed the shield and threw the hoard at their attackers. The butterflies promptly surged forth, popping into flames that merged with one another until a giant fireball was shot down the hallway. [/indent][hr]