[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/5r7OTIh.png[/img] [b][color=Aquamarine]wordcount:[/color][/b] 1,314 (+3) [b][color=Aquamarine]Midna: level 9[/color][/b] EXP: [color=Aquamarine]//////////////////////////////////[/color]//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// (34/110) [b][color=Aquamarine]Location:[/color][/b] Suoh [color=Aquamarine]Warp Charges:[/color] 1 [hider=warp locations] Virgin Victory teleport room Top of the Split mountain Outside the Convent of Our Lady of the Charred Visage Tostarena Town S.O.U. Building Seiran Clinic Underground Roadway (Seiran Rebel Base Outskirts) Below City of glass entrance (plate maintenance tunnel) Vandelay Campus (Alleyway) [/hider] [/center] Light flared, and for a moment the princess thought she was doomed, the flickering flame in Gemma’s hands banishing the shadows and, in doing so, the way she had intended to escape the small horde of patients she had taunted into chasing her. Only after a pair of seconds on her overpriced watch had passed did her vision clear enough that she could see that the light’s return had been far more impactful on their foe’s mobility than hers. [color=Aquamarine]”What kind of children's nightmares are these, stopped by lamplight?”[/color] she asked, as she poked a motionless patient with the tip of a sword, only to start away as the blade’s shadow blocked just enough of the light for it to move an arm to try and grab her. She stepped back hurriedly, and the returned light froze it once more. That was only the minor flaw in this defense. Much worse was that it was, according to the man casting it, on a limited timer. [color=Aquamarine]”Then let’s move”[/color] she agreed upon learning this, discarding her blades into portals and summoning her wolfos steed beneath her, having to size it up a bit to make sure it could carry her new larger form. Its clawed paws clitter clattered across the tiled floor as it moved to catch and then keep up with the other two. Her beast scampered around and lept over obstacles, while the princess mentally rummaged around her things, first looking for the flamethrower, cursing when she remembered she’d just given it away. This was probably for the best, as if she had had it, there would have been a real risk that she would have ended up burning the building down while they were still in it. As it was, she did pull out her sharpened volcano fragment, but thought better of trying to hack it into the wall of grasping arms (not because of the potential fire hazard igniting them represented, but because she might lose the axe) and instead hunkered down atop her steed and had it rush past them, only to end up what she briefly thought was a dead end. Fortunately, it turned out to instead be a mechanical moving room, one that she had to unsummon her wolfos to not overcrowd, and also one that fortunately seemed to have a different powersource from the rest of the floor. Its light came on, its doors slid shut, and it delivered them down into whatever fresh hell awaited them below. [color=Aquamarine]”I really hope there’s something binding those things to this place”[/color] Midna said, shivering at the thought of what could happen should those indestructible things get out into the wider world. They would not, fortunately, have to deal with any more of them down below, at least not right away. The elevator’s door slid open and, while there were manikins to be found, none of them tried to get up, either due to the dim light or because most of them were incomplete. That latter state of affairs looked like it wouldn’t be a permanent one, as their next discovery was the man, or thing, responsible for the patient’s creation. Midna watched the man or monster at work, peering from behind a set of supplies, her mask hiding a look of visible distaste. Still, as much as she wanted to attempt to take whatever this entity was down, she thought this might be unwise. [color=Aquamarine]”For all we know, this doll maker playing doctor is protected by whatever vile power does the same for his creations. Best to not attract his attention if we don’t have to, I think”[/color] she suggested. If they took that course, then there was the question of which way to go. [color=Aquamarine]”Three ways forward. Let me check the one with the doors by sneaking through the shadows, and then I’ll come back”[/color] she offered, making an assumption that the other two would at least peek into the open doors from some kind of cover while she was at that. Then she slipped away, hopping from shadow to shadow till she was near the double doors and then, while the doctor was busy making noise and getting parts, she slipped back out, pushed open the doors and quickly stepped through. Yet instead of ground, that foot stepped on nothing but open air, causing her to topple forwards into that same absence, her low friction combing back to bite her in the butt for the first time in a while as it prevented any kind of grip from the remaining foot. Had she used a hand to try and grab the ledge, or a shadowhand to grab one of the [url=https://i.imgur.com/fhPiPdG.png]wire hung beds[/url] swinging above the drop, she might have caught herself. Instead, she reached for her levitation, and found nothing. And so she fell, tumbling end over end, four arms flailing. Yet the bit of the fall that would kill her, namely the ground, did not come. Instead the princess had the time to stabilize her fall, mostly using her fan-like flygon tail, and then look down to find out why. Far, far, far below, and yet still approaching at speed, was the sight of familiarly scummy water, and if that didn’t give away what she was looking at, the glowing, semi translucent form of a psifish certainly did. It was the reservoir that sat down at ground level beneath Suoh’s plate. For a moment, the princess found herself pondering if this right here was how the psyfish had been flushed down into the reservoir, before the reality of her situation reasserted itself. There was time to think, but it was rapidly running out, and so in the scant few moments remaining she came up with a plan. A few moments later, the psyfish she had spotted spun on the spot upon sensing something falling, and then proceeded to watch the princess' final moments before she hit the water. Yet strangely there was no splash, and so it moved over to inspect the spot, yet found nothing to be found in the shade of one of the tall metal pillars holding up the plate above. Back up above on that same plate, the princess of twilight pulled herself out of the shadows and onto the lower half of a hanging bunkbed. She’d managed to angle herself so that she could drop into a shadow, the immaterializing nature of that act preventing her from becoming past on impact, yet it had been a close thing, and her heart was beating at machinegun speeds in her chest still. [color=Aquamarine]”Once again. Can’t fly any more”[/color] she quietly reminded herself with a rap to her helm, before glaring at the precipice by the door she had fallen off of and asking [color=Aquamarine]”Who builds a room like this? Are they all built like this and if you break a floor that’s it down into a pit you go?”[/color] before shivering at that thought. Once she had recovered, and identified that there was really nothing of note worth investigating this way (just a few vents that went who knew where), she carefully crossed over the gap between the bed and the narrow lip of concrete by the door. Then she listened for the rumbling before slipping back inside of the room, and then back into a shadow once more, skipping around the room till she found either or both of the others [color=Aquamarine]”Unless you want to climb on beds hanging over a drop all the way down to the reservoir to get to nothing interesting, I do not recommend going that way”[/color] she informed them quietly, before adding a warning [color=Aquamarine]”And if we do, watch your step, there’s less than a foot of space on the other side of the door before that drop”[/color] and leaving out that she herself had not done so and almost suffered the consequences as a result.