[center][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/4fbbb0a33140530b8612900a52ebf0bb/tumblr_inline_pjmz3xmVh61rqq37j_400.gifv[/img][/center] [center][color=black]▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅[/color][/center] [sup][h1][center][color=black] R H Y S H A Y E S[/color] [color=red]R H Y S H A Y E S[/color][/center][/h1][/sup] [center][color=black]▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅▅[/color][/center] [indent] Rhys cocked an inquisitive eyebrow at the blonde before him when she decided to breach the distance and lean in. Her scent surrounded him and it broke through smells of alcohol, sweet drinks and sweaty bodies around them. She smelled fresh, like she just showered, with a hint of sunscreen and a flower he wouldn't be able to name. When she faced him again, he gave her a short nod and repeated her name soundlessly with his mouth. His features turned into a grin and he looked down for a moment, shaking his head due to her antics. She danced closer to him then, and Rhys let his hands go to her hips as they swayed against him. The music was loud, but not deafening, as the speakers were further away and the pair danced close to the pool. It was a goddamn miracle no one had fallen in drunk yet. Though, a resort this size and reputation, he was sure there would be lifeguards on duty would that happen. The last thing the resort would want during a party was a scandal, right? The music wasn't to his taste, but he couldn't deny it unfroze his hips as he danced to the rhythm. After a brief moment, he dropped his bad arm back to his side to give it a break, but the rest of his body was full into the dance. It wasn't that Rhys had come very close to dying, or something. Sure, had become gravely injured, but death had been off the table. His mind wasn't too caught up to that yet at the moment his rope had snapped, though, tumbling down and seeing a half-inflated safety mattress. He had been sure of dying in those brief seconds. And so maybe, he should enjoy life even more than he already had, cause it could be over in a flash. He knew that now. So to hell with relaxing. He was set on some activities tonight. So he lost himself in the music. And this stranger that danced with him. Her scent, the warm air around them, the laughter. The bass was rhythmic in his ears and body as he enjoyed the dance. And even though some yelling between people wasn't odd, a certain yell sounded so horrific Rhys perked up and looked up and over Delaney's head, to a woman who looked like she'd seen a ghost. He came to a standstill, much like the patrons around him, and followed the pointer finger of the woman to the other side of the pool. His other hand dropped off Delaney's hip as he spotted a wounded woman, obviously bleeding and stumbling forward, reaching out for help. Her blouse was gashed to pieces, and a large open wound on her shoulder made his own scar ache. And no one was giving any help. Hell, someone even moved out of the way. [color=E59866]"What the..."[/color] he said softly, but stopped when he witnessed the woman fall into the pool. Several things happened at once, including the woman he'd seen at the bar raising her voice, asking for a doctor in the crowd. Rhys sure as hell wasn't one, he had a doctorate degree but he dealt with sprains and hernias. But, a doctor wouldn't do any good to the woman's wounds if she drowned in the pool or bled out in it. The pool itself was already becoming a sickening shade of pink as two girls who previously occupied floaties clambered out of it. His eyes flickered down to Delaney, and then he moved without thinking. He only had to move a couple of big steps around the pool as he palmed his phone, pulling it from his pocket. He placed it down on the pool's edge at the same time he leaned down and planted his palm on that same edge, jumping in. Thankful that he found footing. This was the shallow end of the pool. He waded over to her and blocked out what was happening outside of the pool. Her hair was loose, long and dark, and floating in the lit-up pool in a disturbing manner. This surely wasn't an image he would be getting out of his head very soon. The blood in the water seeped right into his green shirt and Rhys scrunched his nose and the specific mix of the smell of blood and chlorine as he reached her. He took her shoulders and spun her around. He didn't know if she was still alive, but that wasn't his role right now. He had to get her out so someone actually qualified could look at her. He pulled her toward the closest edge of the pool, careful to keep her face above water. At the edge, two men took her from Rhys and heaved her out of the pool and onto the edge. Rhys blinked and looked down at himself. Soaked and bloodied. Jesus fucking Christ, this evening took a turn. Taking a sidestep and he placed his palms on the edge of the pool and pulled himself out. [/indent]