[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/cursive-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230813/e6c9fbd119028ec625cb80fbb608ca9b.png[/img][/url] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2e/6b/ad/2e6badd1e05089e6810dc857927a40ee.gif[/img] [sub][color=lightgray] A Collab between [@Soufflegirl123] & [@Sadie] [i]Featuring: [color=DC143C]Miles Price[/color]& [color=Teal]Delaney Barlowe[/color][/i] [/color][/sub] [hr][hr][/center] With a gentle kiss on the forehead, Miles parted ways with Lil, allowing her to do whatever bureaucratic undertakings her role as a council leader called for. Instead he made his way to the drinks table once again. The further away from Lil he got, the more Miles seemed to disassociate. He couldn’t pinpoint if it was the alcohol, the end of all the new info being told or no longer feeling he had to put on a brave face for Lil's sake but something had allowed him to hold his head up high and it was dissipating fast. By the time he got back to the drinks table Miles seemed to almost look like a deer in headlights, his thoughts racing so fast that it was becoming white noise. He silently and robotically reaches for a glass and the whiskey, his arms in autopilot mode. As Rowan and her parted ways for the party, Delaney went off in search of her friends. Not finding Erin, as she was typically late to these things, she tried to find Miles through the swarm of people. After several moments she gave up and decided on another drink instead. Seeing Miles, she grinned to herself and shook her head. Of course. She should have just stayed at the drink table. Moving up beside him, she grabbed the rum and poured herself another glass. A bright smile was on her face before she turned to her friend and noticed his expression. Her grin immediately faltered and she put her free hand on the man’s shoulder. [color=teal]”Miles? You okay?”[/color] She quickly looked him over before shaking her head. [color=teal]”Dude. You need to breathe. Talk to me.”[/color] As Delaney’s hand touches the man’s shoulder Miles seems to be transported back to Earth with a snap. He blinks a few times before placing the bottle of whiskey back on the table. He then turns to his friend, attempting to shoot her one of his signature mischievous smiles but he seemed to barely have the energy to do that, resulting in a pathetic attempt at best. At her first question Miles gave a deep sigh. [color=DC143C]"It’s just… it’s been a long night,”[/color] he forces out, taking a sip of his whiskey. That was when she prompted him to open up to her. Miles’ voice seemed to drop to barely a whisper as he muttered [color=DC143C]"Not here, not near so many people.”[/color] A lot of the colour seemed to have drained from the young man’s skin but it was slowly being replaced by pink as he started drinking again. Oh, now she was doubly interested. With a slight nod of her head, she brought her glass to her lips and quickly downed the rum she had poured herself. This was going to be a doozy. Setting the glass on the table, her hand slid down his arm and she grabbed onto his hand. Delaney looked around the room before leading him to the alchemy room. The room in which seemed to bring out both of their emotional vulnerabilities. She closed the door behind them and nodded to the man. [color=teal]”Alright. Spill.”[/color] Before he knew it Delaney was leading Miles away from the crowds, back into what was quickly becoming [i]their[/i] spot. Miles couldn’t help but notice that his body seemed to be overtaken by the shaking once more. With a sigh, the man placed his cup on one of the many workbenches and sat next to it. Where did he even start? He wrings his hands as another nervous breath escapes him. Before he could review what he wanted to say the words seemed to just release themselves. [color=DC143C]"Li’s pregnant,”[/color] he says quietly, his voice still barely above a whisper despite being locked away from the rest of the coven. His eyes remained fixated on the floor, although he was curious how his friend would respond he barely had the energy right now. Delaney didn’t understand why the man was so nervous, he hardly ever took anything as serious as he was taking this moment right now. Then, she heard his confession. It was so mumbled and quiet that she felt like she didn’t hear him correctly, but his body language spoke volumes. Her eyes widened a bit and her face turned ashen. She didn’t exactly know how to respond. At their age, some people [i]were[/i] starting families. Then again, she knew her best friend. Knew he wasn’t at all ready for that stage in his life. Clearing her throat, she nodded slightly and folded her arms across her chest. She didn’t know what to do, what to say. Letting out a huffed breath, she shook her head. No matter the fact that she didn’t know what to say, she immediately knew what her friend needed. Delaney rushed forward and wrapped her arms around him in a tight hug. [color=teal]”It’ll be okay.”[/color] Miles seemed to not respond to her embrace, not physically at least. It was a welcome comfort but everything seemed to take up too much energy right now. Now all the adrenaline, rage and confusion of the past hour or so had faded Miles was finally realizing how run down it was all making him. He couldn’t help but wonder how this talk would have gone if anything was different. If he wasn’t a descendant of the Leighton family or even if he knew he was. If the thought of having kids was something him and Lil ever at least entertained rather than writing it off altogether. There was so much more to tell her, more that seemed to make the situation more and more complex. Instead he decided to stay on the current train of thought. [color=DC143C]"Triplets,”[/color] he mutters simply under his breath. [color=DC143C]"She’s pregnant with triplets. How are we meant to keep 3 babies alive?”[/color] She felt nauseous herself at his comment. Delaney blinked once before taking a step back, keeping the man at arms’ length. She tilted her head and just studied his face. He was completely serious. Letting out a breath, she shook her head. [color=teal]”What the [i]fuck[/i], man.”[/color] Letting out another breath, she shook her head and moved away from him. She turned and grabbed the glass he had set down earlier and realized it was still halfway full. Delaney turned back to him and handed him the glass. [color=teal]”Dude. Drink. Just- we need more alcohol. Stay here.”[/color] Grabbing onto the bottom of her dress to keep it free of her heels, she hurried back out to the party, keeping her eyes open to anyone looking her way. She pushed past a couple of older partygoers and hurried to the drink table. Grabbing the rum and whiskey, she made her way back to the alchemy room. Delaney closed the door back behind her and set the bottles on the table. She huffed out a breath. [color=teal]”We are going to drink, okay? Forget everything else. Everyone else. We are going to drink, and then we’re going to deal with this.”[/color] At her initial response Miles attempts to force another smile, the left corner of his lips upturning for only a second before dropping back down. [color=DC143C]"Guess we’re just hyperfertile or something,”[/color] he attempts at a joke, his voice coming off low and monotonous still. As Delaney placed the cup in his hand she didn’t have to tell him twice to drink. The man downs the rest of the glass, giving a small coughing spell at the end of what had to be at least 3 good shots worth of whiskey. Before he could object to Delaney’s departure she was already out the door. Not that he was against more alcohol but there was so much more, more that he was unsure if he could get out with much more liquor in his system. Yet he followed her instructions and stayed, tapping his fingers against the glass. [color=DC143C]"That’s not really the last of it,”[/color] he says gently as he reaches straight for the whiskey bottle. With the alcohol starting to rise to his head, Miles swayed slightly but it seemed to do none for his anxiety or the fact he was pale as a ghost. Although there was more at hand, Lilith's pregnancy took up the most of his mind right now. [color=DC143C]"We only- y’know- like-”[/color] Miles counts on his hands for a moment before continuing, [color=DC143C]"Three times. That’s like a baby for everytime LiLi woke up in my bed,”[/color] he muses, more trying to come to terms with the situation himself but Delaney was a welcomed listener regardless. As she listened to Miles, she realized she had forgotten a glass for herself back at the table. She shrugged and brought the rum bottle to her lips, taking in a large shot. Delaney coughed a bit as she listened to her best friend speak. She couldn’t help a roll of her eyes before she shook her head. [color=teal]”Miles. Dude. It literally only takes one time.”[/color] As she spoke, she thought about her and Rowan and tried to think about if she remembered to take her birth control on time. She definitely was not ready for an unexpected little bundle. Taking another swig from the bottle, she cleared her throat. She studied her friend and noticed he was holding back. Delaney tilted her head at him. [color=teal]”What else is there? You’re not telling me everything, I can tell.”[/color] [color=DC143C]"And I’ve had hundreds of ‘one times’. Hell, Li and I have had a handful of ‘one times’ and it never-”[/color] Miles takes a shaky breath, forgoing his cup for the whiskey bottle and taking a swig out of it. As Delaney prodded for more the last of the colour seemed to drain from MIles’ face. [color=DC143C]"Honestly, the kids are whatever, I guess. Terrifying, sure. Completely against the plans we’d made almost 10 years ago, true. We weren’t even gonna have any-”[/color], He takes another sip out of the bottle in an attempt to calm himself. [color=DC143C]"Turns out I’m magi but not just any magi. Turns out my pa’s Aloysius Leighton, the guy who ran the rebellion against Salem in the 90s. That makes me part of a great magi family and there’s nothing the magical community would hate more than “Merging the bloodlines” as they call it. He also turned up today, my pa,”[/color] At the end of dumping pretty much all the important parts of the conversation he takes another swig of whiskey. Her brows furrowed in question when he brought up the fact that he was a magi. Delaney really didn’t know much about the different types of wizards and warlocks out there; she really should have paid more attention in her studies. Though, she did know that magi were of the highest of their kind out there. And Miles was part of that? She huffed out a breath and tilted her head as she took another swig from her bottle. Delaney remembered something about the Salem rebellion but it was all kinds of foggy. She did however know that Miles’ father showing up was a big deal. Her face dropped a bit as she nodded her head in thought. Delaney cleared her throat and raised a brow at her best friend, her body immediately getting into offense mode. [color=teal]”He still here?”[/color] She gripped tightly to the bottle in her hands, her violent streak coming to the surface. [color=DC143C]"Dunno, don't care,"[/color] Miles replies brashly, taking another swig of alcohol. Part of him called to slow down, knowing at some point he'd be facing Salem at Lil's side in the near future but bringing a Whiskey bottle to his mouth was almost an automatic action at this point. [color=DC143C]"Ma's already had a swing at him. I think I saw Claire have one too."[/color] Miles hiccups before placing the bottle back on the bench. Delaney nodded shortly. If Mary [i]and[/i] Claire took a swing at Miles’ dad, did that mean that she shouldn’t? No, absolutely not. Miles was her best friend and she couldn’t just let this information slide over her. Was she willing to go up against a grown ass man just because he walked out on his son? Yes. Indefinitely yes. Huffing out a breath, she took another large drink from her bottle. [color=teal]”Well. Guess it’s my turn now.”[/color] At Delaney's response Miles leveled his eyes to her. [color=DC143C]"Yeah? What's new with you?"[/color] he asks. [color=DC143C]"You better not tell me you're pregnant too,"[/color] She eyed the man before rolling her eyes. [color=teal]”No. Gods, no. One of us knows how to use protection.”[/color] Delaney shook her head before taking another large drink. The information she was going to give him wasn’t as big as his, but it felt huge to her. She bit the inside of her cheek as she looked at the ground. She didn’t know if she could say it out loud, but she needed to get it off her chest. Letting out a slow breath, she nodded slightly before looking back up at Miles. [color=teal]”You know me. I don’t get incredibly close to people. You and Erin are my exceptions.”[/color] With another shrug of her shoulders, she sighed. [color=teal]”I think I’m in love with Rowan.”[/color] A small smile spread across the young man’s face as he took another sip of whiskey. This conversation felt almost reminiscent of the one they had a month ago in the same place. [color=DC143C]"I know,"[/color] he replies softly. [color=DC143C]"I guess we both got what we wanted."[/color] [color=teal]”Did we, though?”[/color] She shook her head and looked away from him, tears threatening to fall from her eyes. Delaney took a large gulp of her drink. [color=teal]”You have three babies on the way. You’re going to be a father in about eight months.”[/color] She took another drink. [color=teal]”And I’m in love with the most amazing man I’ve ever met, and yet I’m still waiting for the other shoe to drop.”[/color] Shaking her head, she looked back over at her best friend. [color=teal]”This shit is terrifying, man.”[/color] [i]You’re going to be a father[/i] those were words Miles never expected to hear about himself. Even as Lilith and him talked about their situation the titles of mother and father never really came up. It almost seemed to make the situation more real. Miles gave a sigh, running a hand through his hair. [color=DC143C]"I mean, maybe not what we expected but-"[/color] he gives a shrug, sipping his drink once more. [color=DC143C]"I don't really hate the idea of being a father. I guess it's just all kinda left field, y'know?"[/color] he takes another swig of his drink before turning his attention back to Delaney's concerns. [color=DC143C]"And what are you waiting to go wrong exactly?"[/color] She scoffed as she held up the rum bottle before taking a drink. [color=teal]”This, for starters. Rowan is going to realize that he doesn’t want to be with an alcoholic who picks fights all the time.”[/color] Delaney shook her head and lowered the bottle. She scrunched her nose as she looked down at it, her fingers running over the label. [color=teal]”He’s going to see that I don’t deserve someone as great as him. He’s going to realize that I’m too much to handle.”[/color] [color=DC143C]"I'd think if he thought that he woulda dipped by now,"[/color] Miles replies with a shrug, taking another sip of whiskey. [color=DC143C]"Maybe, and just hear me out, maybe he wants someone just like you,"[/color] he reasons, pointing the neck of the bottle his friend's way before taking another sip. Snorting, her free hand quickly went to her mouth as she laughed. The drink was definitely starting to get to her. Delaney shook her head. [color=teal]”Then there’s definitely something wrong with him if he wants a short ass, loud mouth, alcoholic blonde who goes toe to toe with grown ass men.”[/color] She snorted again and laughed more. [color=teal]”And you’re going to be a father to three babies. All at once! And Lil- oh, Gods…Lilith is going to be a mother.”[/color] With another snort, she shook her head and downed another gulp of rum. [color=teal]”We’re all a little bit fucked.”[/color] [color=DC143C]"Rowan likes a challenge,"[/color] Miles half jokes, swirling the bottle around, his eyes becoming fixated on the whirling vortex of the remaining liquor. At Delaney's processing he couldn’t help but chuckle himself. [color=DC143C]"Speak for yourself, 3 Lilith-Me hybrids sounds like a breeze,"[/color] he responds sarcastically, taking another swig. [color=DC143C]"Let's be honest, though, we'll make some [i]good-looking[/i] kids. I wonder if Salem will take that as an excuse to not attack."[/color] Delaney rolled her eyes at the mention of the children, but immediately hardened at the thought of Salem. She let out a snort, this one of a challenge, before taking another shot of rum. [color=teal]”She better fucking not. Those are my nieces and or nephews in that belly. I won’t hesitate to hit an old lady.”[/color] [color=DC143C]"Ha! Not til I get one in. Those are [i]my[/i] babies in there,"[/color] Miles replies without skipping a beat. With a sigh he leans back, using his hands behind him to hold himself up. [color=DC143C]"Li seemed pretty set on me not fighting Salem. She probably has a point but if she threatens those kids' lives. Hell, if she threatens Lil's life… I don't know what I would do,"[/color] Miles' voice softens at the end of his sentence, another deep sigh escaping him. If he was being honest, Miles felt relatively powerless at this moment. His family seemed to weigh in the hands of Lilith and Salem more than anyone else. He didn't want to think about that. Instead he gave his best friend a mischievous smile. [color=DC143C]"At when will you be carrying [i]my[/i] nieces or nephews?"[/color] he jokes. Delaney shook her head at his earlier statement. [color=teal]”Of course you know what to do, Mi. You’re a magi, dude. And I’m your amplifier. We’re going to obliterate that woman if she even [i]thinks[/i] about laying a hand on Lil or the babies.”[/color] She nodded her head in resolute. In all fairness, she didn’t know if she could help him take on the woman. But she damn sure was going to try. Nobody hurt her family. That family also now included three babies and their mama. At his question, her nose scrunched up and she quickly shook her head. She put her free hand on her belly and scoffed. [color=teal]”I just admitted I’m in love with the guy. Let’s not put that juju on me, you ass.”[/color] She let out a breath before a small grin tugged at the corners of her lips. [color=teal]”Though a mini Rowan would be absolutely adorable.”[/color] At Delaney’s first comment about Miles being Magi the boy scoffs, [color=DC143C]"I sure don’t feel like a magi,”[/color] he mutters under his breath. Honestly, it was the piece of information that seemed to be the most unbelievable when all was said and done. [color=DC143C]"I don’t really know what being magi means honestly. Despite my parents both being liars.”[/color] When Delaney mentioned a mini Rowan Miles chuckles, rolling his eyes. [color=DC143C]"You just wait. Lil will have those babies, Rowan will go absolutely clucky and beg you to be next,”[/color] he teases. [color=DC143C]"If it doesn’t accidentally happen to you first, I bet you’re no better than me.”[/color] She groaned inwardly and closed her eyes. Delaney could totally see Rowan going crazy over some newborn babies. Shaking her head, she huffed out a breath and opened her eyes before pointing her index finger at her friend. [color=teal]”Like I said- I am [i]seriously[/i] using protection. There’s going to be nothing accidental about me getting pregnant.”[/color] She played with a loose strand of hair before scrunching her nose. [color=teal]”Let’s just work on me getting up the nerve to tell him how I feel first, okay?”[/color] Taking another gulp of her drink, she huffed. [color=teal]”And I have no idea what being a magi means either. But, I wasn’t always attending lessons or actually awake during them. So.”[/color] [color=DC143C]"Oh and so was I,”[/color] Miles retorts, a small smile playing on his lips at his friend’s responses. [color=DC143C]"You could just, I don’t know, say the words? It’s really not that hard. Or are you scared of it too or something?”[/color] he asks, taking another sip of whiskey. Another small smile played on his lips as he thought about Lilith’s way of working around her words to avoid saying what she called ‘the L word’. He couldn't help but wonder how that was going to fly with the kids. [color=teal]”Oh, like you and Lil are so perfect and can easily say those words to each other,”[/color] she scoffed. Delaney grumbled before taking another large swig of her drink, but found that the bottle was now empty. She scrunched her nose and groaned as she tried to look into the bottle. [color=teal]”Damnit. I’m all out.”[/color] Shaking her head, she looked up at him. [color=teal]”I’m not scared of anything, you prat.”[/color] [color=DC143C]"Ha!”[/color] the man scoffs, [color=DC143C]"Pigs will fly the day Lilith says those exact words to me.”[/color] Miles never truly understood why so many were scared of using what was essentially a string of words. He didn’t find himself taking that string of words all that seriously at all. Sure, there was more sincerity and emotion by times he said to Lilith but the words had seemed to fall out of his mouth so easily with so many women in his past. At Delaney complaining about her empty bottle he holds the last of his whiskey out to her, only a couple of mouthfuls at best but that was better than nothing. [color=DC143C]"Prove it. Tonight. There’s dancing at some point, you can make things all romantic if you want,”[/color] Scrunching her nose at the idea of drinking whiskey, she rolled her eyes and grabbed the bottle from him. She downed a gulp and coughed before handing it back. No way in hell was she drinking more of that piss. Once she recovered, she huffed out a breath and eyed the man for a moment. She soon gave in and rolled her eyes. [color=teal]”Fine. I’ll say it tonight. But I get to be at the hospital or whatever when Lil has your babies.”[/color] [color=DC143C]"How about I pass you for a next day visit. Lil will kill me herself if I start inviting people the day of,”[/color] Miles responds, taking back his bottle back and draining the rest of its contents in one sip. She could work with that. [color=teal]”Deal. But I get to be the cool aunt. And I get to spoil the hell out of them and take them on wild adventures whenever I want.”[/color] Delaney grinned at him before reaching over and pushing him lightly on the shoulder. [color=teal]”Congratulations, Mi. Truly. You’re going to be an amazing dad.”[/color] [color=DC143C]"I don’t know about amazing but, y’know… As long as I can keep them alive right?”[/color] Miles responds, giving his friend a small smile. [color=DC143C]"Thanks though, D. Just- uh- if you're taking them on wild adventures no drinking,”[/color] Miles chuckles slightly, the hypocrisy of that statement not escaping him with the cleared Whiskey bottle in his hand. [color=DC143C]"And if we have little girls, no boys. I don’t know how Lilith and I could handle 3 kids of our blood who’ve discovered alcohol and kissing.”[/color] Delaney eyed the man for a moment before giving in and rolling her eyes. [color=teal]”Fine, fine. No alcohol, no boys. Just take all the fun out of things.”[/color] She gave him a playful grin before looking him over. A small hiccup escaped her and she laughed. [color=teal]”Feeling any better?”[/color] Miles bobbed his head a few times, the smile on his face growing. He felt lucky to have a friend to process things with. As much as processing with Lilith was necessary and comforting it was good to have someone without such an intense personal stake in his going ons. [color=DC143C]"Yeah. Thanks D.”[/color] he responds. His eyes float to the door of the alchemy room as he gives a sigh. Normally Miles was the most extroverted of extroverts but this evening, possibly for the first time in his life, there’s nothing Miles wanted more than some time distanced from the crowds, alone to process the evening he’d had. Yet there was a party before him, and a conversation with Salem to be had. [color=DC143C]"We should go before people start thinking we’re making mischief.”[/color] [color=teal]”What’s wrong with a little mischief?”[/color] Delaney smirked at him before pushing herself up off the seat, her arms going out to steady herself. She gave a hiccuped laugh before shaking her head. [color=teal]”Okay. I have to sober up some if I’m going to tell Rowan the ‘L’ word.”[/color] Once she was steady on her feet, she reached over and grabbed his hand, squeezing it. [color=teal]”I’m always here for you. No matter what. Got that?”[/color] [color=DC143C]"Haven’t you heard, I’m going to be a dad. I’m not allowed mischief anymore,”[/color] Miles jokes with a wink, pushing himself forward on the bench before sliding back to solid ground. He found himself needing to stumble a few steps before finding his footing. [color=DC143C]"And I got you,”[/color] Miles responds to Delaney’s final statement, squeezing her hand in return [color=teal]”Good.”[/color] Nodding her head shortly, she looked at the door and blew out a breath. [color=teal]”Alright. Back to partying. If you need me for anything, come get me. [i]Especially[/i] if there’s going to be a fight.”[/color] She smirked and winked at him before leaning over to kiss his cheek. [color=teal]”Love you, typhoon.”[/color]