Heya everyone. I'm gonna cut right to it. I'm in my mid thirties, female with over 20 years of experience writing RP. My goal is to write a few times a week, once a day if I can manage. I usually write a handful of paragraphs per post on average (about half a page in word) but post length can and will vary depending on what I'm writing, whether it includes a lot of dialogue etc. They can get pretty lengthy! You do not need to match it but I do expect a few paragraphs at least. I will always strive to give you enough to work with and would appreciate the same in return. Communication is a must, please share whatever ideas you may have to move the plot forward, I would love to hear them! Please don't make me carry the story alone. I'm ghost friendly. If you ever want to quit or need a break you do not need to tell me, though it would be appreciated. I struggle with this too sometimes so I get it. I have two potential ideas to work with, but whichever one we end up going with, what's important is that I want it to be in a more mature setting - and with that I don't necessarily mean smut, but more in terms of realism. To give one example, potions that insta heal work great as a gameplay mechanic, but not in a written story. Injuries happen and have actual impact. It's also unrealistic to have a team full of a shinies (if you [i]really[/i] want a shiny, please stick to just the one) or to have captured a legendary (I'd rather save those for future plot points!). Also, no poke-humans, anthros or fusions. I have two potential ideas to work from, they're pretty bare bones for now because I'd rather figure out the details with you. My character will be in his mid to late 20s, early 30s at the most. [hider=Idea One TAKEN] [s]Loosely inspired by Legends Arceus, I love the idea of pokemon set in a different time frame. No gyms, no E4, no pokemon schools and no every kid starting their journey when they turn 10. Pokeballs might not even be a thing, depending on the time frame. People live and work together with their pokemon to survive and wild pokemon are actually dangerous, along with whatever dangers were present in said time frame. I'm personally very partial to the wild west, I'm from Europe but I've been fascinated by it since I was 4 - the first thing I ever drew was a cowboy - and the idea of pokemon in a wild west setting tickles all of my fancies. I feel it has a lot of potential. Or pirates with pokemon! That's fun too. But I'm open to other ideas.[/s] [/hider] [hider=Idea Two] This would be your more typical pokemon story, but written from the point of view of the pokemon instead. So we'd make our trainers (or whatever they are career wise) and their teams, pick one pokemon on said team as your main character and write everything from their POV, with the other team members and the trainer as side and/or secondary characters. Dialogue between pokemon would still be written in English and they'd obviously be able to understand their trainers too. Our main character pokemon would be kept out of their pokeballs at all times, ala Pikachu. I think this could be interesting and a fun challenge to do. [/hider] [hider=What about romance and smut?] Well thought out character interaction and character development is huge to me, I love it. I'm BIG on slow burn type stories. I'm okay with shipping if we do the first idea, but I only do pure M/M. My character will be male regardless of plot, and if you'd rather not write a guy that's totally fine but things will stay platonic between our characters. If romance does happen, know that smut is not mandatory for me at all, I'm perfectly happy leaving it out or making it fade to black. I'm really not interested in writing smut for the sake of writing smut, it'll happen when it makes sense for it to happen. If you love writing a lot of smut then I'm probably not the right person to RP with, because I don't really care for it a whole lot anymore. I'm definitely a plot over porn kinda writer. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [/hider] If you're interested in one of these ideas please shoot me a DM!