[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/zQXUPoA.png[/img] [sub][@HereComesTheSnow][@Conscripts][@Krayzikk][@VitaVitaAR][/sub][/center] They cut a swath through the ranks. Between Amy's magic, Clarice's curses, and Nicomede's sleight, there was nothing that could stop the momentum of four armored knights from punching a hole through the ranks of the Boars. Cruelty and taboo appeared to be the specialty of the Golden Boars, not any true skill, so, really, what was there? Nothing, but blood upon her blade and guts beneath her boots. The impurities of the body splattered against her plate, dying curses too quiet to be heard over the roar of her heart. Distantly, she recognized one of the Boars breaking ranks, could hear Gerard's proclamation of that deserter's intent. But even her best throw could not see a hatchet bury itself into that man's back. She clicked her tongue instead, driving a blade into the latest mercenary to impede her path. Where were the archers? Either Lein or Cecilia could've made that shot! Little time for distraction, however. The wind whistled in the gloom and by reflex, Serenity lunged forth, a blade clattering against her buckler. It had aimed for Steffen, principally their mightiest 'ram' and their least-protected one. A knife-throwing rogue emerged, throwing down the verbal gauntlet, but what need was there for such thoughts? What need was there to respect the challenge of a black-hearted sellsword? The Boars outnumbered the Iron Roses either way. In any case, what need was there to respect a desire for single combat upon the battlefield? [b]"Sir Steffen, I'll cover you,"[/b] Serenity spoke, once more wishing for a proper shield. [b]"Lend Sir Gerard your aid in overcoming the armored one. Sir Nicomede, we'll have need for your magic against those hulks after."[/b] And then, with a movement that could be considered nothing but audacious, the flaxen-haired knight sheathed her sword and drew a dagger, throwing it in the same instant towards the rogue. [b]"I see nothing but cowards and swine! We'll make short work of them!"[/b]