[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/221005/7d7c778891f3387ab231a2bbd26f2d1e.png[/img] [H3][u]The Under ~ The Hive[/u][/h3] Kicking the Hornet's Nest [b]Word Count:[/b] 1,164 [b]Level 5 Ganondorf:[/b] 28/50 [b]Exp:[/b] 2 [b]NEW EXP Balance---[/b] 30/50[/center] The debate between attacking or using stealth was surprisingly short-lived. Seemed a majority of the Seekers were of a similar mind as Ganondorf himself was. That suited him just fine. And while those such as Nadia chose to move ahead with stealth, Ganondorf was of course among those - particularly the royals - who chose simply to attack openly. On the surface of it they would seem rather foolish to charge into a hive and kick over a literal hornet's nest. But when the fighting actually began it became swiftly apparent that the royals were not exactly exaggerating their own abilities. Ganondorf for his part, started things off by summoning a squad of moblin archers. He instructed them to use their fire arrows to try and pick off drones and other aerial foes so that the Gerudo himself could focus on the more grounded enemies. The Haste from Sectonia was unexpected-but-welcome boon. It allowed Ganondorf's twin great swords to become a speedy whirlwind of death to any of the wasps that came at him. And some did, appearing to wield swords of their own or in some cases spears or a battle flag. In the end it mattered not. Between the speed of Ganondorf's attacks thanks to Haste, and the dark strength that slowly built up in the blades - these bugs were just that: bugs. [color=797979]"Come on!"[/color] the Gerudo bellowed after cutting down an unfortunate sword-wielding wasp, [color=797979]"You could at least make this a challenge for me!"[/color] he taunted with great confidence and outright arrogance. And then, as if answering his challenge, a small swarm of five robotic hornets buzzed behind him in a dive bomb attack from above. He whirled around and managed to slice all but two out of the air. But those remaining two latched themselves to Ganondorf's body and exploded. They were small, no larger than humming birds, and so the explosions they produced were not particularly large. But they did manage to knock the King of Evil off his footing for all the briefest of moments. The Gerudo then had to quickly roll over out of the way to avoid being skewered by a long stinger. [b]"I'll be your opponent, human!"[/b] spoke the voice of the [url=https://i1.sndcdn.com/artworks-HTXidOYZB4AbtBYJ-0cDhIQ-t500x500.jpg]robotic hornet[/url] that had just tried to dive bomb Ganondorf, [b]"You'll regret interfering in our business, here!"[/b] [color=797979]"We'll see about that."[/color] the Gerudo responded with a flourish of his twin great swords. [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQ9bgubiCHE[/youtube] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=frBJXdLDfb4[/youtube][/center] Blast Hornet was no fool. He knew his wings gave him the greatest advantage and he wasn't about to let that go to waste. The Reploid buzzed his wings and hovered in the air, making sure to stay out of the reach of Ganondorf's swords. He summoned swarms of his hornets to dive bomb Ganondorf with their previous Parasitic Bomb attack. Blast Hornet even mixed things up on occasion and would briefly lock onto the Ganondorf in order for his hornet swarms to home in with greater accuracy. But the Gerudo wasn't fighting by himself. His moblin archers were nearby and more than capable of picking off the smaller hornets, with Ganondorf himself managing to cut down any that avoided fire arrow shots. But this little stalemate could only last for so long. Ganondorf soon gave a new order to the Moblins, [color=797979]"Forget the small ones! Focus your fire on the one summoning them!"[/color] the Moblins were unsure about the wisdom of this tactic change but they dare not question the King of Evil's commands. And so they began to ignore the summoned bees in favor of concentrating their fire on Blast Hornet. He was agile enough to avoid most shots, but still took an occasional arrow regardless. As for Ganondorf, he found himself less able to fend off the exploding bee attacks without the coverage granted to him by his Moblins. At least at first. When it seemed like Ganondorf was about to be overwhelmed, something buzzed in to provide interference. [url=https://cdn.donmai.us/sample/cb/be/__beedrill_combee_and_vespiquen_pokemon_drawn_by_yamipika__sample-cbbed40fc660b4d283f756c1d5885d8c.jpg]Bees[/url] of differing sizes and shapes. That's when it became clear to Ganondorf. The Hive wasn't quite so unified as it first appeared to be. It seemed the Seekers had unknowingly stepped into a war of sorts between the bees and wasps. Blast Hornet's drones were intercepted by fast-striking Beedrill and Combee who were being commanded by a nearby Vespiquen. And this provided Ganondorf with a much-needed opportunity to turn the tide. And it started with him drinking one of the potions he had received yesterday. The jumping potion to be precise. With it and the Haste from Sectonia, Ganondorf was able to largely eliminate Blast Hornet's aerial advantage. The Gerudo made a swift and powerful leap that launched him straight at the flying reploid. Rather than attack he hooked his arms around Blast Hornet and used his great strength to fling the reploid down to the ground. Ganondorf came crashing down shortly after and was now in a better position to unload a flurry of slices and slashes from his twin great swords. That finally did some real damage to the reploid. Blast Hornet went to take flight again, but his attention on Ganondorf caused him to not notice the incoming volley of fire arrows from the Moblins. Those kept him stunned momentarily, giving Ganondorf a chance to quickly grab hold of him and slam him back down onto the ground with a Flame Choak. Blast Hornet's body began to spark with static from the damage he'd been dealt thus far. He tried to unleash a last ditch swarm of hornets on Ganondorf hoping their close proximity would make them impossible to dodge. But once a gain the bees ran interference, this time in the form of a volley of Pin Missiles fired by a trio of Beedrills. Blast Hornet struggled to get airborne but Ganondorf was too quick to seize the opportunity. He lunged forward and delivered a final x-slash of his great swords that cleaved Blast Hornet into exploding pieces. All that remained of him now was a Spirit that Ganondorf quickly scooped up. With Blast Hornet defeated, Ganondorf found himself surrounded by the helping bees who appeared to be buzzing with gratitude. Ganondorf didn't say anything, not exactly having come here to liberate any oppressed peoples. But he also was not foolish to make enemies of both sides of whatever this conflict was. As such, Ganondorf just offered a silent nod to the bees and then went along his way. he figured they'd probably go look for an enemy elsewhere on their own something. He also figured he should probably regroup with the other Seekers, deciding it was probably unwise to wander too far off in this Hive alone.