[center][h1][b]Jaromir Zhu[/b][/h1][/center] It really was a damn good thing he disdained frontline Mechs. The poor, stupid bastards up in front were already getting hammered, giving Jaromir plenty of time and opportunity to start drawing beads on targets. The people with anti-infantry weapons were already taking care of that little issue, which meant he'd be taking out the upcoming vehicles. Tanks were made of paper compared to Battlemechs, but a Large Laser was a Large Laser no matter what it was mounted on. With his Trebuchet positioned in the rear of the lance, Jaromir started to line up his shots as the tanks came into view. One PPC shot crashed into the side armor of the Goblin that shot Fuka's Dragon, sloughing enough of its armor off that the AC/5 volley he fired immediately after outright cored it. Jaromir let out a low whistle as he started sighting his next target. Say what one will about the psychopaths in House Kurita, but they at least knew how to arm Mechs. The one extra heat sink in the 7K rendered its primary salvo heat-neutral, and a PPC with an AC/5 really wasn't a bad combination at all. This 7K damn well suited his likes, at least. He continued firing from his entrenched position, taking out a few more tanks before Remy's call for support came through. [b]"Acknowledged, repositioning."[/b] He replied easily over the comms, starting to shift his position to draw a bead on the Thumper. It'd start jacking his heat up, but he'd been running neutral long enough that it didn't matter. A few less autocannon shots would sort that out soon enough. From the bottom of the valley, he didn't have a decent enough sight line to really be able to draw an accurate bead on the Thumper, but at the very least, he'd be able to keep their heads down. [b]"Starting covering fire, go, go, go!"[/b] Jaromir opened up with the PPC, his first shot crashing into the canyon wall next to the Thumper. A click of his tongue in irritation. He adjusted his aim briefly, and fired again, mindful of his allied Firestarter's position and trying to not be the first one in the company to start a case of friendly fire. [@AndyC]