I feel I should probably mention this before anyone starts getting any ideas... Not that I think anyone would do this regardless, but [i]just[/i] to be safe... The 'power' or 'force' that isekai'd your character(s) is very much sentient, and as such, would never consider transferring someone with... Less benevolent tendencies... Criminals, closet-sociopaths, misanthroopes with no compassion, etc, etc. All these kind of people fall into the big ol' "Nope"-category and would never actually make it over to the other side. Because, let's face it, why would any omnipotent cosmic power with the ability to transcend and bend reality and dimensions ever bring individuals who are more than willing, or completely indifferent to, causing harm and damage to the new enviroment in which they are placed... And then bestow them superpowers. And let them run loose. Unsupervised. So, yeah, no. If you were planning to have a character like that, I'd recommend you reconsider. :P But again, if you have questions or concerns about anything so far, let me know. And if you got ideas or suggestions, let me know about those too! Still working on the CS, but its coming along... I think. I hope.