[color=gray] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/vm76qmi.png[/img][/center] [color=FireBrick][b]Location:[/b] [/color]Tea Party [color=FireBrick][b]Time:[/b] [/color] Sola 23 [color=FireBrick][b]Mentions:[/b] [/color] [@SilverPaw] Wulfric [url=https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/3681903f-47dc-4060-bb3f-9be6a4cb40b6.e647eae5856635c34a305bb49a6b22c0.jpeg?odnHeight=450&odnWidth=450&odnBg=ffffff]Shoes[/url] [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/20/ed/aa/20edaa65584b90fd07356dfa8d635d23.jpg] Hair [/url] [url=https://img.ltwebstatic.com/images3_pi/2021/08/09/1628495795273d5ffbddacbb591da1390e9b344fc6_thumbnail_600x.jpg]Neckless[/url] [url=https://www.rkbridal.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/700x/17f82f742ffe127f42dca9de82fb58b1/r/k/rk_bridal_its_where_you_buy_your_gown_1089.jpg]Gown[/url] [url=https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSKTPTOL7NaaSkv-ePBcKzsB8GUM-US1mwZxh21C-tN5Z2QYtdDt33FH4uERypG9pGzYVo&usqp=CAU]Parasol[/url] [i]“You assume that you are the focus of every whisper and glance, all of them malicious,”[/i] [color=firebrick]“ I don't assume anything, Prince Wulfric”[/color] Violet snapped at his words. She looked away from his direction, already entering this conversation with frustration. [color=firebrick] “ I would prefer people to leave me to my own. However, I am forced to attend these events in order to keep up my appearance for the pleasure of my parents. [/color] She let out a drawn-out sigh realizing that the anger and frustrations she held about everything that happened likely made her seem like an arrogant woman. [color=firebrick] “ I don't know who attack me. I don't know why I was attacked. I hold much suspicion on everyone. Even yourself. [/color] She looked towards Wulfric [color=firebrick] “ This is not to say I believe you or any of these other people are the culprits but how am I to be certain? I was injured to the point where my eyesight was taken from me, my body is barely able to do its daily tasks without tiring and my memories are nothing but empty thoughts. [/color] She looked back over towards the sounds of the crowd. [color=firebrick]” You may laugh all you wish Prince Wulfric, I am sure my situation is comedic. However, I was attacked. You want to see this investigation closed…why? Because it's some kind of inconvenience for you? Because you fear for your people? Yet you sit here and interrogate me and actually insult me with your laughter over my own personal fears of having survived said attack.[/color] She paused for a moment taking a slow breath. [color=firebrick]” These people still being out there continue to haunt me every single moment. If you think that It isn’t on my mind 24/7 then you’re the fool…[i] I don't even feel safe in my own home.[/i]” [/color] Her voice dropped, the first time Violet had shown any sense of emotion. Taking another deep breath Violet attempted to calm her nerves. [color=firebrick]” Perhaps speak to my parents, they seem to enjoy putting their nose where it doesn’t belong. It’s the only sort of lead I genuinely could give anyone… If you do happen to find out who it was. Please do me the courtesy of knowing before everyone finds out.”[/color] She turned her attention back towards him, her expression held a sense of fear and sadness [color=firebrick]”...please”[/color] There she was. The scared, frail, and almost childlike Violet. Her voice was soft as her eyes glistened as tears seem to form in them. She had slipped and allowed her hard exterior to crumble for only a moment. Realizing it, Violet turned her head away from him her face returning to its normal composure as she held back any true emotion. Perhaps she would regret that later but it was too late to take it back now. [color=firebrick]“I have nothing else for you Prince Wulfric. It's the only information I know.”[/color][/color]