[center][h3]~ Road ~[/h3][/center] [center]- [@Polaris North], [@The Irish Tree] -[/center] Einer played his lyre as the group rode in Lady Molnar's fancy, horseless carriage while the noblewoman enthustiastically inquired details of Ruecian's previous quest. But their peaceful ride came to an end when the butler stopped the carriage, and ushered all the Reavers out but keeping Lady Molnar inside. Einer sighed, guessing correctly that they were under some sort of attack. The lack of loud howls or roars meant that their attackers were on the... sentient side. Probably bandits or highwaymen, probably the sort of thugs that Einer fought in his previous mission. The bard readied his knuckles, ready to relive those previous glorious moments. The Reavers emerged from the carriage and greeted the attackers, a band of hooded thugs with dangerous weapons. They appear to recognize Ruecian, but that did not deter them from attacking. Ruecian and [u]Shavis[/u] charged ahead to unleash their power upon these overconfident fools while a group of five took on [u]Hector[/u] and Einer. The bard gripped his knuckles as he faced his first opponent, a muscular two-handed axe-wielder. The attacker swung his axe down, which Einer easily sidestepped to deliver a combo of punches at the enemy. But Einer's punches did nothing and the axe-wielder easily grabbed the bard and threw him at the ground. A light but fast vertical swing followed up which Einer blocked with his knuckles. The muscular thug did not retract, but pushed the axe head towards Einer's head. Einer tried his best to push back, but his opponent was simply stronger. Beads of sweat formed on the bard's forehead as the axe's blade slowly reached his face. Einer cursed himself. If he was stronger, he could have handled this fool no problem and helped the others. But the reality was, he was the one in need of help as he let [u]Hector[/u] and the others have more enemies to deal with.