[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/200819/228d90e4455e346b67fb919064f9e198.png[/img][/center] Tim took several deep breaths, as he held his Rockruff in his arms, and petted the dog Pokémon. Why did his mom think this was good idea. Traveling with the champion, and a bunch of kids he didn’t know. You can make friends she said. It will be fun she said. But Tim wasn’t so sure. He felt The whole traveling the region thing is something better done alone in the company of Pokémon. [color=deepskyblue]“It’ll be fun she said. You’ll make friends she said… I’d rather make some Pokémon friends.”[/color] But, he was here now, so he had to go along with it. [color=deepskyblue]“Let’s just get this over with…”[/color] After finally working up the nerve, he made his way to Route 29. The Champion guy was waiting along with several others who had won the same lottery he did. Some of them had there Pokémon out too. Tim was particularly impressed with the champion’s Blaziken. You don’t really see those in Johto… Suddenly, Rocky got excited, and started barking, then jumped out of Tim’s arms, and ran over to sniff another boy’s Houndour, then nuzzled the Champions leg. As cute as the scene was, the humans involved might not feel the same way. He ran over to his Pokémon, and picked him up. [color=deepskyblue]“Um.. I’m sorry about him. He get’s excited… Um..I’m T-t-tim…”[/color] he said nervously. He avoided making eye contact, and shuffled his feet. Rocky barked, and happily panted. Interacting With/Mentioning: Isaac, Danny