[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/austera-simple-tfb-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230504/0257ed6a9f7f0bf4b9359b8c9ca8d06c.png[/img][/url][/center] [b][color=Lavenderblush]Time:[/color][/b] MORNING [b][color=Lavenderblush]Location:[/color][/b] INT. MAMA MALACHI'S SUMMERHOUSE - RIVER PORT [b][color=Lavenderblush]Interactions/Mentions:[/color][/b] The golden lion furry [@Helo]; The lady in a purple dress [@Tae]; The other guy who’s also cosplaying as an elf [@GingerBobOh]; The guy cosplaying as an elf [@princess] [b][color=Lavenderblush]Equipment: [/color][/b][hider=][color=Lavenderblush]⋆[/color] Attire from Earth [color=Lavenderblush]⋆[/color] Backpack [color=Lavenderblush]⋆[/color] Smartphone [color=Lavenderblush]⋆[/color] Wallet and key [color=Lavenderblush]⋆[/color] Computer [color=Lavenderblush]⋆[/color] Headphones [color=Lavenderblush]⋆[/color] Spare eyeglasses [color=Lavenderblush]⋆[/color] Plastic bag [color=Lavenderblush]⋆[/color] Letter[/hider] [hr] [color=Lightcyan]Jun raised his head from his breakfast. He kept his gaze fixed on the snout, afraid of getting burnt by the disappointment in Zion's eyes. [color=LemonChiffon]"Why wouldn't I?"[/color] What about the past week gave the impression that Jun wanted to hang out with his captors (at the risk of Stockholm syndrome setting in)? And really, [color=LemonChiffon]"It's not like I'd be any help."[/color] When the new lady spoke, he stared at her toned arms to avoid eye-contact. The "random-friendly-neighbor-who-dropped-by-to-say-hello" was better built than he was—not that that was saying much. Anything, even a leaf blowing in the gentle breeze, could easily take Jun down. Honestly, a dying man had better odds of survival than he did. He nodded at the lady's suggestion. [color=LemonChiffon]"I’m sure he'd appreciate the extra help."[/color] Glancing around at the group, he considered the composition of their team for the first time. They hadn't encountered combat yet, but their party build seemed decent enough. [color=LemonChiffon]"You got a heavy hitting warrior, two mages—one focused on defense, one on offense—, and now a rogue who can switch roles if…"[/color] He paused and looked at the purple dress lady again. [color=LemonChiffon]"Actually, are you a bard? Or maybe you're more of an assassin?"[/color] If the latter, they had a DPS heavy party. That would mean Enstille was their primary source for party buffs. [color=LemonChiffon]"You'll have to make sure no one targets Enstille… but I think it should be fine if you guys stick together."[/color] Especially if the GMs were level scaling. Jun's stats alone should tank the enemy's level to 1. [color=LemonChiffon][i]Unless they scale based on the strongest player.[/i][/color] Then he'd be screwed. But, he'd also be the only liability. The fight should go smoothly for the others. His mind drifted as he wondered how combat mechanics worked in Avalia compared to MMOs.[/color] [hider=TLDR][color=Lavenderblush]Jun agreed that the others should go help Malachi.[/color][/hider]