[color=00AEFF]”Trading knowledge. Maybe some materials. And if they piss us off, we’ll flood the market with cheap aluminum and crash their economy.”[/color] The sarcastic grin audible in Vigdis’ voice. [color=00AEFF]”It’s expensive here, for obvious reasons. For a world where a portion of the population can summon lightning from thin air, they know jack shit about electricity... In addition to a lot of other things. From an earlier interaction it seems like geocentrism is still the name of the game here.“[/color] She made a face, a silent condemnation of K-A scholars everywhere. Ancients Greeks figured that out 2500 years age for fuck’s sake. [color=00AEFF]”More knowledge we can trade I guess, if we can figure out how to do it without throwing the balance of power out of the airlock. But if we want to teach them stuff, we’ll have to get the electron microscope working because if we start telling them that everything, including them, is made up of tiny particles held together by forces generated by even tinier particles making those up, they’re gonna think we’re making shit up as we go to sound smart.”[/color] Several people departed the party, following in the tracks of the out of control Life Mage. ‘Lightweight’ she thought, raised on the ethnically Russian [i]Venera[/i] where rye bread was the norm because most of the imported wheat ended up in bottles. And rye bread was a key ingredient of kvass… [color=00AEFF]”Curious to see what kind of friends Kerchak has. If he has friends like I did at our graduation party, poor fucker. And we’ve given them markers, too.”[/color] [color=00AEFF]”What’s the mood like among the civvies?”[/color] As much as he was out of the loop on the alien front, she was just as out of it as far as the civilian mood was concerned, being either asleep, outside or working. Or working outside. [color=00AEFF]”A week cooped up inside a metal can is nothing for a crew, but a bunch of people who didn’t want to be there, injuries, kids… Can’t be good, can it?”[/color]