[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/kxxtOHI.png[/img] Level 10 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) - (91/100) [b]Location:[/b] The Under - Termite Kingdom Ruins [b]Word Count:[/b] 812 [/center] With the introduction to the fight of the Ichor and Iron wasp queens, things got a bit more annoying than just the ranged attacks of the bare basic wasps and the heavy drone. Although with the push from the two 'kings' with a bit of haste, the stalemate that was about was broken at last as they pushed through and started to destroy the opposing backline, causing some damage to the heavy drone in the process. Sectonia, having a bit of fun in the backline for once watching the boys just wreck havoc in front of her was throwing out her spells, even throwing a partial Spacial Rend upon the Heavy Drone when it lost its balance and fell out of the sky temporarily, but soon she'd have to go and join the frey herself as the Iron Queen, having gotten into position, was buffing her own minions with her magic that let them much more easily deflect Sectonia's spells. Sure they could evade the slower spells, but having her spacial rends not having the effect she wanted, and not wanting to leave herself open to charge a bigger one, forced her hand into melee combat as well. Moving past a recovering Heavy Drone, Sectonia approached the Iron Queen with her blink strike. The enemy wasp had a will equal to her title though, and instead of getting struck by a swipe from Sectonia's swords, instead shot web at Sectonia and stopped her momentum temporarily as she went to strike. This surprised Sectonia a bit, but the webs didn't hold her long. The iron queen got a hit in before Sectonia could blink away, but as her name suggests, she was more for defense than offense. Something Sectonia would learn as she started her counterattack doing a rapid sword thrust. Still, that iron defense was no joke. With her amount of buff spells on her and her minions occasionally forcing Sectonia to retreat or throw her lightning around to clear them away, it took Sectonia some time to chip through her defense and regeneration. Counterattacks were a aplenty as well, but the incoming damage on the bee queen wasn't all that high, especially when her Chaos Shield came off of cooldown and her commrades keeping the much more offense oriented ichor queen busy. After a bit of a longer fight than Sectonia would like to admit, eventually the iron queen fell after Sectonia focused on her exclusively for a time thanks to Rubick offering a large enough distraction. With the iron queen dead, her buffs went with her, making the nearby wasps much easier to clear out. Taking her spirit as Sectonia liked the idea of more buffs for her loyal minions, she would make use of Kamek's snackivator much like the mage made use of Sectonia's symbol of avarice and decided to fuse the spirit to her wings to get back her more majestic golden insect look instead of these half cape half wing things they were at the moment. But that would have to wait until after they were out of this hive and into a safe area. There was still the heavy drone to take care of, which wasn't in a great state. Through the residual damage of everyone's attacks, attacks directed at it, and everything, it was on the verge of falling apart. And Sectonia, retreating back to give herself some passive healing, gave it a courtesy blow with her swords, finishing it off as well as the cumulative effort of everyone worked to take it down. And with that, the spirit as spoils. With everything calming down now that the large majority of forces had been taken care of, the group made its way deeper into the hive and soon found the 'ursurpor', a giant mechanical wasp! And giant was an understatement, it was far bigger than Sectonia and Bowser themselves, but also immobile. [color=92278f]"Hmph, no wonder they were such a weak hive, considering whats before us."[/color] Sectonia said. Still, just because it was immobile, didn't mean it didn't have its own tricks as it summoned in many of its wasp minions in large hordes to attack the seekers. Sectonia, being one of the group that brought the widespread damage, used her Slow on one of the groups of wasps before throwing her various spells. Due to them being in a large group, hitting them wasn't as difficult, although seeing as it was a large group of individuals making an object, her spells had a mixed effect. She also summoned her striker, which shot its own lasers at the swarms, as well as her antillions to help support however they can, granted they seemed to be able to only attack the giant metal wasp queen itself instead of the wasp hordes due to their limited range, but any damage going out was good damage so far.