[hider=Doctor Euclid] [color=#00FF88][b][center][h1]Doctor Euclid[/h1][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1120174582129754154/1140474455190163537/IMG_3764.jpg?width=469&height=625[/img] [i][sub]"There exists not such things as fantasy. In the shadow of the world, the mind dances with all you have ever dreamed of."[/sub][/i][/center] [/b][/color] [color=#00FF88][b]Name: [/b][/color]??? [color=#00FF88][b]Alias: [/b][/color]Doctor Euclid [color=#00FF88][b]Age: [/b][/color]Indeterminate. [color=#00FF88][b]Personality: [/b][/color] Wise, esoteric, clever, collected, patient. [color=#00FF88][b]Archetype: [/b][/color]Gadgeteer [u][color=#00FF88][b]Powers[/b][/color][/u] The Doctor's abilities are derived from strange technology that only he understands. He has many tricks up his sleeves, which typically take the form of handheld gadgets that Doctor Euclid uses to navigate the multiverse, and ponder the things that no human mind was meant to discover. Armed with a technological talent, knowledge of the great beyond, and all the unknown, the Doctor aids his fellow agents of justice in getting the drop on his enemies. [color=#00FF88]Locutor Clock: [/color] The cornerstone of Doctor Euclid’s arsenal is a mysterious device that resembles a [url= https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/710908524602851461/1141214807249387622/image0.jpg]pocket watch.[/url] The Locutor Clock keeps time relative to any place that can be physically reached, and allows for teleportation to these places if the Doctor can calculate the coordinates. Any place that Doctor Euclid has been to is automatically logged in a memory device that exists in the fourth dimension, anchored to the Locutor Clock. In a way, the clock is an inconceivably advanced computer, meaning it can be altered to communicate with others, or download information from various places. Unlock most computers, however, the Locutor Watch does not contain a firewall. It would take a very clever individual to understand the strange device, but such an individual could theoretically obtain every possible piece of information from it if they got their hands on it. A lot of that would entail archived media from books to television shows, but the majority of the Locutor Watch’s data is coordinates to many places, such as ground floor of the Watchtower. [color=#00FF88]Entropic Needle: [/color]A somewhat alien [url=https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1019042982105710692/1141218878211489962/image0.jpg]pistol[/url] without a trigger. Doctor Euclid fires the Entropic Needle simply by willing it to shoot a target, which then experienced the chaotic disorder of the universe. Atoms unravel, and energy dissipates into a burst of heat, in a moment of what is essentially vaporization. The effect is not particularly explosive, only taking out a chunk from living targets no larger than a basketball. Certain targets, such as those made of pure energy are more vulnerable to the Entropic Needle in general, where entities of a supernatural origin might not be affected at all. Examples of those safe from cosmic gunfire include ghosts, mental projections and beings of pure thought. [color=#00FF88]Mask of Thought: [/color]The Mask of Thought is a device that conceals Doctor Euclid’s face. It resembles a helmet full of swirling green and purple colors, but also wraps around his neck, and expands his mind’s authority over his corporeal form to pick and choose which fundamental forces act on it. Doctor Euclid’s body does not age, and he can survive in the vacuum of space, or withstand gravity equivalent to that of a white dwarf. Time does not affect the Doctor, nor does the law of entropy that requires him to consume energy. Doctor Euclid is functionally immortal due to the Mask of Thought. Though he is only immortal in the sense that he has subverted the fundamental laws of the universe such that it cannot kill him. A person armed with a gun is not the universe itself, and thus the Doctor is ironically not bulletproof. His body heals and sustains injuries like an unexceptional human being. He can bleed, and he can break bones. [u][color=#00FF88][b]Weaknesses[/b][/color][/u] [color=#00FF88]Burden of Machines: [/color]Doctor Euclid is a man who values knowledge over might. As such, he depends on his gadgets to make a meaningful impact on things. He is not a walking superweapon, and as interesting as it might be to hear the Doctor recite the history of a distant universe from memory alone, that won't win a fight against a villain. Without the Entropic Needle, he can't shoot people, and without the Locutor Clock, he can't teleport or access its data. [color=#00FF88]The Support: [/color]The Doctor isn't a frontline fighter, even if he is a damn good shot. In an encounter with a villain, he prefers to take out their equipment, single out strays and blink behind enemy lines. He does not belong in the fray where the tank-throwing maniacs bang knuckles. Doctor Euclid, despite bending the laws of the universe to render himself exempt from entropy, is just as squishy as an average civilian. [color=#00FF88][b]Former Team Affiliations: [/b][/color]N/A [color=#00FF88][b]Background Hero: [/b][/color]Wind Dragon [u][color=#00FF88][b]Potential Storylines[/b][/color] [/u] [color=#00FF88]Language of the Universe: [/color]Somewhere in space, across an unfathomable void and past the edge of what humanity calls the universe, there is a place with a name human beings cannot pronounce. Doctor Euclid calls this place the Great Cradle. The Great Cradle lies approximately seven hundred and eighty two trillion megaparsecs away from the edge of the Milky Way galaxy. In this place where time is unheard of, where thought and identity are the anchor that stabilizes reality, the Doctor fell in love. Despite incalculable odds, an entity from the Great Cradle finds itself on earth. The Doctor's expertise is needed to unravel this occurrence as the Justice League discovers Doctor Euclid's past, why he chose to be a superhero among infinite choices, and how he learned to navigate all of reality. [color=#00FF88]A Return to Futility: [/color]What happens when a man who dances with the universe is blinded to its rhythm? In an unfortunate twist of events, the Mask of Thought is destroyed. It can be repaired, but it will take weeks. In the aftermath, Doctor Euclid's body experiences a lifetime of wear and tear in the span of hours. He must relearn what it means to be an ordinary human being that experiences the burden of living while he works to restore one of his most crucial implements. [color=#00FF88][b]Bio: [/b][/color]No one knows where the Doctor first came from. One day, he wasn't there. The next, he simply [i]was.[/i] A long time ago, Doctor Euclid met a sentient being that opened his mind to the stars. This being, which Euclid began to call Iota, shared with him an understanding of technology millennia beyond human levels, but not quite alien, in the sense that "alien" cannot be stretched to describe the origin of a pistol that collapses years of entropy into a single moment, or a pocket watch that can transport someone to place three thousand universes away. Euclid always had the heart of a scientist, and the soul of an explorer. And so he left this world behind to embark on a journey to a place so far away that no living creature made of flesh and bone could ever set foot there. The Universe was reduced to a notebook in scope, time was a musical composition. To Iota, the universe was but a living organism, and every Big Bang was a single breath passing out of its lungs. On earth, seconds passed, but they were years for Doctor Euclid. He left Iota with grief in his heart, for their home was a place of ephemeral majesty. Doctor Euclid's comprehension of their people's technology gave him the agency to traverse the furthest reaches of reality itself, in a body that did not age. And yet, one day, he longed for his home planet. Euclid returned home to find earth ravaged by masked monsters- Brutes who pumped drugs into their veins, scientists that frozen people to their deaths, and so many more. Did they have no love for their world? Euclid followed the example of their counterparts, those that called themselves superheroes. Doctor Euclid wandered the planet stopping villains in their tracks, teleporting halfway across the globe at the push of a button to blow up a superweapon before it could be fired and banishing small contingents of evildoers to separate continents. Simple work, but endearing to him no less. There came a day, however, when one of earth's greatest examples of good crumbled. In the weeks that followed the Justice League's demise, Martian Manhunter sought out the Doctor. His escapades and ability to instantly be anywhere he wanted and destabilize matter itself did no favors to conceal his actions. As someone with all the time in the world- literally and metaphorically- The Doctor was more than happy to lend a hand with enacting the Unlimited Protocol. [color=#00FF88][b]Notes: [/b][/color] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJ5LRud3XgI&pp=ygUXZnJvbSBhIGZyb3plbiB3YXN0ZWxhbmQ%3D]"I come to this world from a land so far, where daylight is fading from a frozen star."[/url] [color=#00FF88][b]Sample Post: [/b][/color] Doctor Euclid sat atop a skyscraper in California. The last few days had been interesting, some teched up superjunkies took control of a bank’s security network, and no one could get through from any level. The Doctor teleported himself in and vaporized their laser weapons, leaving them defenseless and dropping them right into the middle of the police blockaded. They were defenseless. Police took them in without any resistance once robbers were unarmed. The Doctor was just about to make a jump to Manhattan when he felt something light up under his skull. A voice sounded through his head. [color=green]”Doctor Euclid, I am the Martian Manhunter. I am speaking to you through a psychic link, on behalf of the Justice League. We are aware of your actions, and would like to extend to you an invitation to join us.”[/color] Doctor Euclid was familiar with nonverbal communication. The Martian’s voice did not alarm him. [color=00FF88]”Martian Manhunter. Quite a surprise, I must admit. I heard of the League’s downfall, my condolences.”[/color] [color=green]”Then you understand that we are desperate. Your skills would be crucial to our reformation.”[/color] [color=00FF88]”Indeed. I accept your offer. You are located in earth’s orbit, if I remember correctly.”[/color] [color=green]”How did you-“[/color] The Martian Manhunter did not have the chance to ask his question. A ripple of green-teal energy erupted beside him in the Watchtower above the atmosphere. In its place stood a man dressed in a purple three piece suit, wearing a strange helmet and holding an equally strange pocket watch. [color=00FF88]”Now then, where do we begin?”[/color] [/hider]