[hider=Dejah “Nilly” Kan] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/GJInUZ7.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230811/6087e61ea012e1f7eb1233348e853228.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230811/51e0bb66e29d6df1c69c59a50f658a05.png[/img][/center] [center][color=D4A017][b]FEMALE || 27 Y/O || HGT 5'9" (175.26 cm) || WT 130 Lbs (58.967 kg)[/b][/color][/center] [hr][hr] [color=FF0000][b]E M P L O Y M E N T :[/b][/color] Contract Killer [hr][hr] [color=FF0000][b]P E R S O N A L I T Y:[/b][/color] Dejah is a woman whose personality can be called “chaotically abstract”. She is abrasive and quite cynical about much but also has a taste for the thrills and rushes that Night City can offer, even if indulging in such can sometimes conflict with her own “morals” such as they are. She likes to think of herself as not so much a hypocrite but just someone with her own weaknesses pushed onto her by a fast moving and decadent city. Dejah is generally very tight-lipped and operates with a strictly business attitude, of course she does occasionally find those she considers worth her time and is willing to open up - the trick is them being able to put up with her. While civil enough to those she is willing to place assurance in Dejah can be a challenge to deal with, mostly due to her sarcastic, barbing remarks and attitude and her rather unstable state of mind which can make her unpredictable at times. Dejah is severely afflicted with bipolar disorder as well as deep set PTSD which at times causes her to hear voices, sometimes hallucinate, and suffer vivid night terrors. When simply shaking it off or medication do not do the trick she resorts to alcohol and narcotics to send herself into a stupor. Or a good braindance to amp up positive stimulation. Dejah has a strong loathing of corporations and the wealthy in general, her choice in contract kills nearly always against the elites of Night City and-or those close to them. She also never misses a chance to takes shots at or hoodwink the police due to them obviously being little more than a private militia to uphold the predatory status quo that keeps the masses in the gutters while preserving the power of the privileged minority. Often Dejah’s violent impulses can carry her to do unspeakable things to those she holds such animosity for - a demon she has to live with. Dejah always strives to do the best in whatever she sets out to do while fighting off what plagues her mind and soul. Despite her fractured psyche, her selfish desire for cheap gratification and pleasure, and her fits of anger she likes to think that somewhere inside is a decent individual that has not totally succumbed to the cancers of Night City. [color=FF0000][b]F L A W :[/b][/color] [b]Violent Tendencies -[/b] Dejah can when provoked, and when not, fly into violent rages committing ruthless acts and behaving recklessly. [color=FF0000][b]F L A W :[/b][/color] [b]Paranoia -[/b] Dejah suffers from bouts of severe paranoia, usually when dealing with unknowns amid contracts and when crossing unusual people outside of “business”. This makes her often difficult to work with as a newcomer and encourages her to commit acts of treachery as a way of “beating to the punch”. [color=FF0000][b]V I R T U E :[/b][/color] [b]Sympathetic to the Downtrodden -[/b] Growing up in the streets has made Dejah all too aware of the unfairness of the system and has ensured she has a comparably softer side towards those who are less fortunate. [color=FF0000][b]V I R T U E :[/b][/color] [b]Diligent -[/b] Dejah puts full effort into anything she does being the driven individual that she is. “Do it right or do not bother.” [hr][hr] [color=FF0000][b]A R M O U R & W E A P O N R Y[/b][/color] [b]Primary:[/b] [url=https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Militech_M251s_Ajax]M251s Ajax[/url] with an [url=https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/OS-1_GimletEye]OS-1 GimletEye[/url] scope. [b]Side Arm:[/b] [url=https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Malorian_Overture]Malorian Overture[/url] [b]Melee:[/b] [url=https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Katana]Katana[/url] [b]Augmentations/Cyberware:[/b] (1) Nasal Filter - Protective against breathable toxins and gases. (2) Adrenal Booster - Releases adrenal hormones on command. [b]Quickhacks;[/b] Total Ram: 4 [b][url=https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Short_Circuit]Short Circuit:[/url][/b] (Rare)(Cost: 4 Ram) Non-Lethal Deals moderate Electrical damage to the target. Very effective against drones, mechs, and targets with a Weakspot. Applies an EMP effect to the target for 4 sec. [b][url=https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Sonic_Shock]Sonic Shock[/url][/b] (Rare)(Cost: 4 Ram) Deafens the target, reducing their ability to detect enemy sounds. Prevents the target from communicating with their allies about enemy activity. [hr][hr] [color=FF0000][b]S K I L L S[/b][/color] [list]•Body 12 +4 (+1 Advantage) •Reflexes 14 +6 (+2 Advantage) •Tech 12 +4 (+1 Advantage) •Intel 10 +2 (0) •Cool 10 +2 (0)[/list] Subcategory Advantages: Blades and Handguns [hr][hr] [color=FF0000][b]R E L A T I O N S[/b][/color] [b]Tadashi Ukita -[/b] Dejah’s mentor and an old friend of her fathers’ with whom she has an amiable relationship with. [b]Glitzy (Sai Morata) -[/b] A sex worker Dejah has had an on and off romantic relationship with over the years. [b]Amethyst (Jesse Wallace) -[/b] A higher up Mox member that often passes Dejah word on people looking for a hired killer. [b]Dan Yi -[/b] The owner of a small bar and gambling den that Dejah frequents, the two’s relationship being something of a hot and cold acquaintanceship. [color=FF0000][b]H I S T O R Y[/b][/color] Dejah is the “love child” of a ranking member of the Tyger Claws and a prostitute from Japantown with whom the man had regular relations with. Despite the circumstances of her conception and birth Dejah’s father did not abandon she and her mother, seeing them set up with a decent apartment and under the protection of the Tyger Claws. Along with a home and protected status Dejah’s father ensured that Dejah, her mother, and Dejah’s half sister Banira lived comfortably. Dejah was seven years old when she lost everything. One night she awoke to the smell of smoke, coughing and gasping as she clumb from her bed. Staggering out into the hall she was met with a blinding orange light, fire danced across the floor and raced up the walls curling the wallpaper and scorching everything black. Dejah could barely see and her lungs filled with smoke as she struggled to call out to her mother and sister. She tried to run out the front door only to find it jammed, the windows were all too high to jump from and fire escape was blocked with rubble. Dejah rasped and screeched for help until Banira suddenly emerged through the flames, their mother nowhere to be seen. The two raced to the front door, Dejah’s older sister managing to break the door open just as the ceiling began to crumble down - Dejah slipping through while Banira was knocked to the floor and buried under debris. Banira shouted for Dejah to help pull her free, to grab her by the wrists and pull so she could slide her legs from under the smoldering rubble. Dejah was transfixed by the inferno that swallowed up their home as more of the ceiling broke apart and began raining down all around. Her heart raced and her body tingled with a rolling rush of terror that she remembers to this day. Overcome by fear Dejah turned and ran - she ran and did not look back. Banira’s despaired shouts turned to shrieks of agony that followed Dejah all the way down the stairs as she fled. Dejah could still here the screams when the firemen and rescuers showed up to curtail the fire, she could still here them at the hospital later that night and she heard them in the dreams of the long sleep she endured after the fire. Twenty years later Dejah lives on but deeply scarred by the loss of her family. The severe mental and emotional trauma of the fire and the deaths of her loved ones caused her to suffer post traumatic stress having slipped into a coma for over a week after the event. Dejah would eventually be taken in by Tadashi Ukita, a close friend of her father whom Dejah learned had also perished in the fire that terrible night having apparently came over late to see she and Banira’s mother. The Tyger Claws were convinced the fire was no accident and that a rival had been responsible for the tragedy but no culprit was ever found. Tadashi raised Dejah as best he could and taught her how to shoot and trained her in martial arts, by age seventeen she had become a lethal individual. Despite having a new home and people to look after her Dejah never truly healed, remaining plagued with night terrors, sometimes manic episodes, and hearing voices on her worst of nights. Still, she did the best she could and always pushed to try and keep herself from truly going over the edge. In 2067 Dejah would leave the Tyger Claws behind after the murder of Lizzie Borden and the following riots and rise of the Mox. Dejah had for a long time been aware of the ruthless streaks of many of the Tyger Claws, notably the lower ranking and younger male members. That said the events surrounding the death of Borden and the aftermath showed her just how cruel the Tyger Claws could be. Despite never actually being a member of the gang many members saw Dejah’s departure as a betrayal and for some time she had to lay low far away from Japantown. Eventually with the assurances of Tadashi she would return albeit outside of the Tyger Claws’ immediate sphere so to speak. To survive she employed herself as a contract killer with the help of Tadashi setting up several contracts outside of the gang scene - granted the choice targets’ deaths would conveniently be a benefit to the Tyger Claws. Eventually she made enough of a name for herself that Dejah would be sought out by various individuals to carry out assassinations for good money. Dejah has always made a point of staying out of the gang rivalries and only going after notably rich targets - at the very least the beavers that dwell within the corporate run neighborhoods. Dejah has always had a deep loathing for the wealthy in Night City, the privileged elites that control the puppet strings and hoard the wealth while standing atop the millions of downtrodden and corpses they have built their empires on. Those that have forced the city into a state of poverty and gang warfare while they lounge about in their towers of ivory and diamond. This method of operations has of course ensured that Dejah has a bounty on her head and more than once over the years has she had to fend off hitmen and scrub teams out for her blood. This of course only motivates her to continue her paid campaign against the elites while living a fast live of narcotics, alcohol, sex, and other hedonistic ventures all while fighting to keep from going completely off the cliff. [color=FF0000][b]C Y B E R P S Y C H O[/b][/color] [hider=Never forget…] [img]https://i.imgur.com/Qs4AQPm.jpg[/img] [url=https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=SKrKSVd3TtU]Dejah will never forget, Dejah will never stop seeing her.[/url] Banira - the half-sister that Dejah abandoned, running away and leaving her to be burned alive in the fire. The fire that Banira had saved Dejah from Dejah then sacrificed her half-sister in those same flames. That guilt never has left. It only grows worse as the years pass and as the years pass the visions only continue to come. Sometimes they accuse, other times they weep, and other times they tell Dejah to kill and to kill slow. Dejah wants the voices and the terrifying nightmares to stop, for the guilt to melt away. But none of it will ever leave… will it? [/hider] [/hider]