[CENTER][h1][color=EB054D][b]RICO[/b][/color][/h1][/center][hr]”So, getting shelter from the wind was a smart move, but on stone? And without anything to cushion you? You’d be feeling that in the morning!” Wicc explained as the two meandered down the path, buildings raised all about and framing the sky above. [COLOR=EB054D]“Yeah, when I slept in the woods the other day the breeze was nasty, and I couldn’t make a fire or anything either. Not that I could find food anyway.”[/color] “The woods?” [COLOR=EB054D]“Oh, it was on Gunwhale Island. I met a prince!”[/color] “Heh, well I’ll be. And where are you headed now again?” [COLOR=EB054D]“Shuffle Island! I’m meeting a friend.”[/color] Wicc smiled. [COLOR=EB054D]“So, are you gonna help me out Mr. Sir?”[/color] Wicc chortled. “I don’t have the money myself, but even if I didn’t I wouldn’t give it to you. I don’t like having money, honestly. I try to spend it as soon as I get enough for what I need.” Rico replied, [COLOR=EB054D]“You said it was a tool to live?”[/color] “Yeah. Sure, it makes the world go round, and the livelihoods of many depend on it. But I don’t really want to depend on it, so I live my life like this. I’m free, don’t you know it! But I’ll show you my ways: how I get food, where I take shelter, and how I get money when I do need it. That way you can avoid those cheat hotels and get where you’re going as soon as you want. Teach you how to fish instead of just giving you the fish.” [COLOR=EB054D]“I don’t see how fish will help me get to Shuffle Island but I really appreciate it!”[/color] Grin fading a tad, he wondered, [COLOR=EB054D]“Why are you helping me though?”[/color] Wicc smiled. “Knowledge should be free. If there’s no cost in me helping out a fellow human than there’s no real reason not to do it.” [COLOR=EB054D]“Even if he’s a devilish outlaw?”[/color] Wicc raised an eyebrow. “Even if he were, if our paths have crossed and we find ourselves mutually walking together, well, I’m not one to judge.” Puffing out his chest, Rico offered, [COLOR=EB054D]“Well, at least you get to gloat about mentoring the future Pirate King?”[/color] “I’m not much of a bragga-did you say what now?” The air seemed to be still under the night sky. “Why do you want to be Pirate King?” [COLOR=EB054D]“Why not?”[/color] Rico shrugged. Wicc gave a low chortle. “Those are some flippant words, but I just don’t feel like they’re coming from a place of ignorance.” The older man scratched his head. “You want the fame? The money?” Rico’s face went blank. [COLOR=EB054D]“What’s Pirate King gotta do with those?”[/color] Wicc was flabergasted. Lowering his head a bit, Rico slipped his hand in his pockets. [COLOR=EB054D]“It’s more like, If you only live once, and you wanna do something big, why not do the biggest thing there is?”[/color] Wicc thought for a moment, observing the moon. “You gotta?” [COLOR=EB054D]“I gotta.”[/color] Wicc sighed low as the moon fell behind the clouds. “It is what is is, huh?”