[center][u][h1]Cold Comfort[/h1][/u][/center] [b]Character Development Scene[/b] [center] [u]Aftermath: Pain with a Hint of Guilt.[/u] Scene Timing: During Force’s post, when they took time to heal up.[/center] Roslyn's ache began to numb, but her limbs were still heavy. She gritted her teeth as she fought past the sensation. She didn't even know what caused the most damage, the fight or the explosion. Not that it mattered in the end. Her hand flopped over her bag's cover and reached inside. The sound of glass clinking caught her attention. She frowned at the odd noise, but Sven's shout caught her attention. Her eyes turned to the direction just in time to spot the man fall backwards. Upon hitting the ground, he let out a few laughs followed by crying. All of it seemingly because he was glad they had survived. Esmii, his Yasoi girlfriend, fell beside him while giving him an embrace. A pang of longing hit Roslyn. Her expression softened and lingered on the pair. [i][color=ebe7a3]Maybe one day I might have something like that,[/color][/i] she thought. Sven and Penny exchanged gestures and insults, their tone the casual play. Others swiftly joined in with their versions. The aftermath's tension lifted from the air. A question prodded her from the hidden crevices of her mind. [i][color=ebe7a3] What about the boxes?[/color][/i] Roslyn's frown returned, but for a different reason now. Impulsively, her gaze studied the surroundings around her. The monastery's grounds, once plain and simple, lay in shambles. Pieces of rock buried deep in the ground while Helgeans rounded up the surviving false monks. Some broke down and others tried to flee, only for their prisoners to give chase. [i][color=ebe7a3] Could we have... handled this better? Were we the best choice for this mission?[/color][/i] Part of her mind whispered no, but her guilt echoed differently. Lost in thoughts, Roslyn hadn't noticed the sound of footsteps approaching her. While Esmii is hugging Sven and trying to find out if he is ok, she looks around to see if Roslyn was fine, worried about her new friend’s safety. [color=#b08cc9] Roslyn, where are you, are you ok? [/color] Just then, Esmii noticed Roslyn. From the expression that she had on her face, she looked very emotional or possibly hurt. Feeling a strong urge to help she tried to get to her. Esmii tried to get up off the floor, she was struggling, still feeling fatigued from the attack from that yanii assassin. [color=#b08cc9]“Sven, could you help me stand please? I want to check on Roslyn.”[/color]she asked with a smile, hiding her exhaustion. Sven wasn't sure at first, but he agreed helping his Esmii to stand up then she slowly limped. She almost slipped a few times, but regained her balance quickly and pushed forward making her way to Roslyn. As she got closer to her, she held her hands out in front of her. Upon reaching Roslyn, she sat down beside her and hugged her. [color=#b08cc9]“Roslyn, is something wrong? Do you need me to heal you?”[/color] Pulled from her daze, Roslyn's eyes widened when she felt the girl’s embrace. Her chest inhaled and her head turned to see Esmiis' worried expression. Words escaped her, unable to form the thoughts in her head properly. The most dominant sensation, numbness, washed away everything else. [color=ebe7a3] "I-I'm sore. I've never been in actual combat before. Just sparred at the school..." [/color] A shakiness edged into her voice as she closed her eyes. Roslyn let the soft breath inhale and fill her, anchoring her to the moment. [color=ebe7a3] "Yeah, I think I'm okay, but I did get hurt. I have some bandages in my bag...give me a second."[/color] Her hand reached into the bag. Something sharp sliced into her flesh causing her to jerk it back. Blood dripped down from the small cut on her finger, the pain throbbed slightly in the muscle. [color=ebe7a3] "Shit, what?!?"[/color] She glanced down and pulled open the small flap. Instantly, she spotted the shattered glass. Cautiously, her eyes traced the source to one of her bottles. The blue bottle had busted into many pieces. It rested against the inferno blanket now drenched in the strong liquid. She sighed then thumped her head against the wall's ruins. Seeing Roslyn twitch in pain, Esmii guessed that Roslyn's hand was now cut from something in her bag. Going through her own satchel that's on the side of her waist. She pulls out a small medical kit. Placing it on her lap, begins rummaging through it, she pulls a small cloth from it. Taking Roslyn's hand she inspects the wound. Looks to be a minor cut, nothing too serious, so no magic was required. Esmii's nose twitched, an odor caught her attention, It was alcohol. Roslyn's hand smelled of it. At least the wound was disinfected. With ease, Esmii began to warp Roslyn's finger up in a bandage. [color=#b08cc9]“I can smell alcohol on your hand. Did you have a bottle in your bag that broke?”[/color] She asked Roslyn while wrapping the bandage. Once Roslyn was sorted, she went through her satchel once more, pulling another bit of cloth. [color=#b08cc9]"Let's get the shards of glass out of your satchel so you don't cut yourself again."[/color] [color=ebe7a3] "I don’t think just one broke... The potato vodka doesn't really have a smell, but the Blue Boomcherry Buster does. I should've known better than to bring them along, but..."[/color] Roslyn released a breath at her idiocy. They didn’t exactly stop anywhere else before reaching the blacksmith. Esmii took a small bit of cloth from her med pack. Using this, she tied it around on top of the bandage so the blood doesn't seep through. [color=#b08cc9]“There we go. This should help. Also if you need to I can put some things in my bag.”[/color] Esmii smiled and started to help Roslyn to empty her bag, sort out the broken bottle and pieces of glass, and helped her to sort out her things, to see if anything else was broken. [color=ebe7a3] "Thanks. I didn't expect this task to turn into... well, this."[/color] Esmii gave her a warm smile.[color=#b08cc9]“You're welcome, it’s no trouble.”[/color] Roslyn cautiously dug through her bag and surveyed the damage. She gingerly plucked the shards out before passing them to Esmii. Once she took the last piece, she paused. Her eyes narrowed as she brought up an unharmed bottle of Blue Boomcherry Buster. [color=ebe7a3] "Well, that's really lucky. We’re having a shot of this when we get back to the academy. Please hold that, I think the other two are just cracked."[/color] Taking the bottle from Roslyn. She carefully places it down, not to break it. [color=#b08cc9]“That's lucky a bottle survived, hopefully that is every bit that's broken.”[/color] Once all the glass was emptied from the satchel. Esmii began folding the cloth on itself, covering the shards of glass so that no glass falls out onto the floor and causing an accident when the cloth is folded and the glass covered Esmii moves it to one side. [color=#b08cc9]“So, apart from the cut on your finger, how are you feeling? You don't have to answer yet, if it is too difficult. I am here for you, whenever you need to talk.”[/color] [color=ebe7a3] "Aside from a few nasty wounds, I'm okay physically. Mentally and emotionally, I'm... not sure how to explain it. Numb, maybe?"[/color] Roslyn's voice cracked a bit before she turned to focus on the bag. [color=ebe7a3] "Damn it, just like I thought. The other two bottles cracked."[/color] She pulled each one out to show Esmii, unsure how to save the meager liquid left. [color=ebe7a3] "The rest -aside from the soaked blanket- looks pretty good. Even the puffer chicken eggs." [/color] Roslyn chuckled then pulled the makeshift first aid kit from her bag. [color=ebe7a3] "I was worried this might’ve gotten soaked as well. It’s just the outside that’s damp."[/color] She shifted it to the side while she lifted up her sleeve to reveal a shallow gnash beneath. It ran up the length of her forearm from midway to the elbow. It appeared to be fresher than others as she presented her arm to the healer. [color=ebe7a3] "Ready?"[/color] Esmii looked at Roslyn, she was angry. she asked her before, then looked at the gnash on her arm. Esmii wanted to shout at her, but refrained from doing so. Taking Roslyn's arm, placing it on her lap. She looked at the arm up and down, analyzing the wound. Bandages won't be able to heal this gash, it's going to have to be healed with Binding. She wasn't sure if she had the energy to fully heal it, but she had to try. Esmii started to draw, her hands hovering just over the wound as the cells in Roslyn's arm started to reattach themselves. [color=#b08cc9]“WHY DIDN'T YOU SHOW ME THIS EARLIER.” Esmii let her emotions take over her Calm down Esmii, calm down. “Sorry I didn’t meant to shout”[/color] When Esmii shouted, Roslyn jerked. However, her arm remained on Esmii’s leg. She stared at her friend as her words became unstuck in her throat. [color=ebe7a3] "It's just a gash. I've had worse in the brewery. No point in getting worked up over it."[/color] Roslyn quietly answered. [color=#b08cc9]“I got upset because it could of been worse, I'm sorry I let my emotions get the best of me”[/color] [color=ebe7a3] "It's okay. And yes, it could've. But it's not. You don’t look so good yourself. I'm not really good with binding...but we can use the bandages."[/color] Roslyn relaxed as she let the healer finish. Slowly the gnash healed. Exhaustion was starting to set in for Esmii. But she pushed through it as she wanted to heal Roslyn properly, she didn’t want her to be in any pain or discomfort. [color=#b08cc9]Come on Esmii, you can do this.[/color] [color=ebe7a3] "Esmii, are you going to be alright? We can use the bandages, it's not an issue. Don't drain yourself."[/color] Immediately, Roslyn's other hand rested on Esmii's shoulder. Her eyes narrowed in concern and pleaded for her to stop. [color=ebe7a3] "It's all right. You're exhausted. I'm okay, really."[/color] Esmii looked at Roslyn, with tears in her eyes, as she was trying to push herself. [color=#b08cc9]“Ok Roslyn, I managed to stop the bleeding, but I think I'll stop and rest after I've cleaned the wound.”[/color] Esmii started to feel really tired from her injuries, however she was starting to feel drained and if she had carried on longer she might have put herself at risk by pushing herself. She rested her head on Roslyn’s shoulder, and hugged her again. [color=#b08cc9]“I'm sorry again for shouting, I'm just feeling really tired, and I think that I might have pushed myself too much.” Great now I feel like I’m hindering everyone[/color] [color=ebe7a3] "Okay, just lean on me."[/color] Roslyn gently wrapped Esmiis' arm on her shoulder. Watching her footing, she raised her right leg first and brought the taller woman up with her. The difference five inches made was ridiculous. With wide eyes and pursed lips, Roslyn managed to help Esmii to Sven who quickly aided her. Mumbling a thanks, she released her grip. She flashed one last worried glance in her friend's direction and went to help the others. [color=#b08cc9]Esmii notices that Roslyn is worried about her and feels bad.“Thank you Roslyn, I think of you as a good friend. I will be ok, I just need to rest a little.”[/color] OOC: Omitted last bit.