The physics professor merely rolled his shoulders in respose before he hunched back onto the seat he was plopped down on. [i]"Such a lack of self-control,"[/i] he thought to himself. What a poor sap; made to work himself down to the bone for a society which did not genuinely concern itself for his well-being. Adraman pitied the stranger's ill-fated outcome. Adraman himself didn't hail from Caledon. His father had a single idea, and a faculty colleague made it into reality. There were occasions where Adraman wondered what could have been if himself, a boy with a recently passed away mother, and a father struggling to sustain each other, didn't make the cut for Caledon's gates. He was grateful for what life had given him. As the train arrived to the southern station and there was a shift in scenery, Adraman blinked away from whatever zone out state he was in to meet his own reflection in the window. He propped up his round silver glasses, and stood up to carry on as usual. Adraman slipped on a peaked cap when the dark of night at the dockside turned out to be a little colder than he anticipated. The professor wasn't oblivious to the prying eyes sizing him up. He knew his presence sticked out from the crowd like a sore thumb. But he wasn't deterred from his path. Unless somebody was foolish enough to try and mug him, they would do better than to expect him to be a helpless frail old man incapable of self-defense. Leave the uselessness to other members from the hapless airheaded high society he is forced to coddle with. "Put a coat on. It's cold tonight." Adraman chided without even breaking a second to spare the escort a stare. It should be an embarrassment to anybody to partake in activities unbecoming of one's being. He was especially annoyed by the rather frequent attention he garnered from the female community for his striking features and rugged build. Adraman didn't have time for pointless drabble, there was just so much work to do first to even bother. [i]A constable. To be expected,[/i] he thought. The physics professor tipped the rim of his hat up in a cordial greeting. "Good evening, officer." His voice was clearly that of a figure in charge, firm and eloquent. "No, sir," Adraman procured a license badge from his shoulder bag and presented it to Officer Jared, "I am a representative of the Arcanoscientific Studies & Physics Research Deparment, and proud chairman as of currently." Adraman stashed his badge back before he returned his blue eyes to Jared. "My assistant notified me of a disturbance in the Kaper Dock factories in today's happenings. I was unable to attend earlier due to being submerged in work." Adraman smirked briefly at his own pun. "May I give the unresponsive mechanisms a look? I believe the root of the problem may not be intricately comprehended yet. It won't take up too much of your time."