[center][h3][b]Player:[/b] [@Hammerman][/h3][/center] [hr] [hider=Sayu Takayomi] [hider=Appearance:][Img] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1094635395033075863/1141931667477516399/1iSK0vsd6sUHa7T8XoN0G.png [/Img] [i]Height:[/i] 4'11" / 150 cm [i]Eye Color:[/i] Red [i]Hair Color:[/i] Black [/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Sayu Takayomi [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Nationality:[/b] Japan [b]Occupation:[/b] High School Student [b]Gender: [/b]Female [b]Personality:[/b] "What? What is this ridiculous outfit? This… this short skirt… these wolf ears… this is completely embarrassing! I haven't worn a skirt since I was in elementary school and now I have to run around in a stupid, cutesy, cosplay costume! Not to mention those ears… they twitch on their own, can you believe it? And to think I'm stuck wearing it if I want to survive in this world… Garghhh, it's so infuriating!" In short, she's a tomboy who "hates" cutesy things. Other than that, she's a direct and honest person to the point of being somewhat of an asshole at times. She hates liars and schemers. She also hates being teased for her young and petite appearance. [b]Background:[/b] She grew up just like any ordinary high school girl, with only the caveat being that her parents were mostly absent, leaving her to live on her own in her apartment. Something she was [i] perfectly [/i] fine with, as she enjoyed the freedom she had. She was sleeping in class when she was teleported into this newfound world. She hated school and she was pretty much a delinquent with bad grades. She never bullied anyone though. In fact, she hated bullies. She slapped a girl for bullying another once so hard she made her cry. [u][b]Costume Overview:[/b][/u] [b]Type:[/b] Warrior [b]Source:[/b] Little Red Riding Hood [b]Imagery:[/b] Fairy Tale [b]Powers/Abilities/Spells:[/b] - [b] Auto-Cleaning:[/b] Your costume somehow washes itself daily, meaning you never need to worry about stains or bad smell! - [b]Auto-Repair:[/b] Should your costume ever become torn or damaged, don't worry! It somehow restores and repairs itself daily, meaning maintenance is a non-issue! ... Unless you're in a still on-going fight. - [b]Pajama Party:[/b] A simple translucent white negligee that reaches down to her upper thighs. - [b]Stat Boost (Minor):[/b] Sayu's costume grants her a very slight improvement to her physical [b][i]strength[/i][/b] and [i][b]endurance[/b][/i]. It also helps her recover her [i][b]stamina[/b][/i] slightly faster than normal. - [b]Defensive Garment:[/b] At this stage, Sayu's costume offers as much protection as a full suit of chainmail. - [b]Rampaging Wolf.[/b] Using claws jutting out from her knuckles, she would tear the enemy to shreds.[/hider]