[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/HfKWHeg.png[/img][/center][@Crimson Flame] [@Randomness] Studying the symbols the officer pointed out, Zircon frowned. They weren't like anything she'd seen before. She thought back to the nightmarish scenario in the ballroom, the panicked and rushed search for clues - if only they'd spent longer looking. If they had, they might have more information to give. She bit back an exasperated sigh when Sky decided to take this as proof this was the dark fairies' doing. [color=4DA6FF]"Doesn't look like shadow magic to me,"[/color] she muttered. [color=4DA6FF]"But if it isn't earth magic... Then what is it?"[/color] Nothing of fairy origin, according to the officer. Zircon's frown deepened. Who could have it in for their kind? And why? Vyvien set about trying to find the answer, putting her magic detector to use. [color=4DA6FF]"Any luck?"[/color] Zircon asked Vyvien. [color=4DA6FF]"Hmm, do you know anyone who might be able to help? I hear Feydale's quite the knowledge hub."[/color] She turned her gaze back to Sky before continuing. [color=4DA6FF]"Or... I doubt the dark fairies did this, but they might have some useful information. I've visited Transfeyvania a few times on business journeys, and they have an impressive library."[/color] She'd been in search of crafting guidebooks, but the place seemed to contain texts on most anything and everything. Ancient arcane languages and symbols, rare branches of magic, historical conflicts - there had to be something relevant. Of course, putting the idea in Sky's head may well have been a mistake, as he'd undoubtedly offend plenty of people there and make a prize fool of himself. Still, if it brought them closer to breaking the curse, it was worth suggesting.