Selencia and Lazarus would fret this was far too much excitement for me, I thought sardonically, trying to find the humor in a situation where there was very little of it. Emmaline was frustrated, but she conceded and it helped me to breathe easily at least. I sat back in my wheel chair and nodded at her explanation. As much as I did not trust the methods, I did trust Emmaline, and it stands to reason if she truly put the man's spirit back into his body for a short time, it would be impossible for him to lie. Of course I had never performed such acts, but I knew of them. One could not be in the Ordo Malleus without knowledge of ritual, both sanctioned and heretical. Jogar Carden, I catalogued the name in my head for later. "It seems a bit obvious that an organization with such a name as Under Council would be dually located in an [i]Under[/i] Hive. But it could be worth granting it a once over. Any heretical sects located below the lower hives would be hard pressed to get reported to any real authority. The fact the manufacturing facilities is on this level was likely the only reason we even found evidence of their presence in the first place." I was merely thinking aloud at this point, but it seemed to ease Emmaline, perhaps because I still deigned to share my thought process with her. Emperor help me, I was glad I still could as well. "What about your recovery?" She asked, remaining detached in speech, though her eyes spoke she was still worried on my physical health. "I will take a day to rest, no matter what Selencia cautions of me. This will grant Lazarus time to locate any information on this Jogar Carden if he is able. I want you to help with that, if there is anything you are capable of aiding him with. Perhaps not, but I need your...personable mind if it goes beyond a data-slate. After that, all of us will go below if we have no other leads." I raised my hand to halt any protests. "I can requisition certain stems that will allow me full mobility, and I can fit my carapace armor and bandages to keep myself from any further damage." She gently placed a hand on my arm, and after a second's hesitation, I placed my opposite hand on hers and squeezed it. This whole situation was complicated, but it seemed that we could persevere through it. Perhaps we were right to pursue this...relationship. If we could handle near death, wrongful tortue, and necromantic rituals, maybe we could handle whatever else the galaxy threw at us. I just hoped the Ordo saw it in such a light. "You'll need to do one more thing, though you won't like it." I said, and she bit her lip awaiting the remark. "You did the most prudent thing at the time, and it seems there is no permanent damage, but if you haven't already, you should apologize to Arbites Ortega. Not because I believe you were not in your rights, but the Arbites are a prideful group, much like my own. We might require his help again."