"I see we have some snacks too," he observed as they were just about to leave. "Awesome." At this point, he knew better than to expect anything but silence in response to his small talk, but he would continue anyway. It would just be way too awkward to drive the entire remaining distance to their next stop, wherever that might be, without either of them saying a word. On the surface, she seemed like the type who would have snapped at him to shut up much earlier on, but she was not a bad or even unpleasant person, just hardened by the circumstances that had be forced on her, and apparently for most of her life, one might add. He wanted to help her on in any way he could, but they were stuck until they found out what was on that disc, and even then, there was no guarantee that they would know how to proceed. Unwrapping his own sandwich, he looked out the window, watching the scenery zoom past as the vehicle made its way out of town. Well, he did just only mention about being open to an adventure. He just hoped that it was all going to be worth it. If this would give him closure, then he would not have to hide anything anymore.