[center] [color=f49ac2]Sakura Level 10: 08/100[/color] Location: Hospital Word Count: short Points Gained: 1 New EXP Balance--- [color=f49ac2]Sakura Level 10: 09/100[/color] [indent][/indent] [/center] Sakura’s shoulder dropped, her arms hanging limp when Brain Drain said he didn’t know where Peach was. Moping, her eyes glassed over for a small portion of his explanation, but the mental pressure brought her back into reality. As he began to explain what exactly they do here, Sakura listened intently, nodding along. At the mention of privacy, she looked down at the ground. As for the Grandfather’s Axe…well, she didn’t know what that was. [color=f49ac2]”Uh…right. I don’t know many logical paradoxes off the top of my head, I gotta admit…”[/color] Sakura scratched her head. [color=f49ac2]”That’s not the one where you go back in time and kill your grandpa with an axe, right? Not that I know anyone who’d ever kill their own Grandpa.”[/color] Sakura decided to answer Gemma’s question. [color=f49ac2][i]I got found out, now I am talking to this scientist doctor guy. He’s kinda scary but that’s it, I think. He says he doesn’t know where Peach is.[/i][/color] Then she refocused on Brain Drain. She couldn’t help but look at the brains as they were brought up. [color=f49ac2]”Rrright. As long as you aren’t stealing them, y’know.”[/color] If Sakura knew what a Skullgirl was, at that moment it slipped her mind. [color=f49ac2]”I don’t know what that means, either.”[/color] Sakura said, thinking that she wasn’t coming off as very smart in this conversation. She stood up straight again as he asked her another question. [color=f49ac2]”Stealing Brains? Um, no? Sorry. I don’t know anything about that. Stealing brains is no good.”[/color] Sakura said, then shuddered. [color=f49ac2]”Eugh…”[/color] Sakura tapped her forefingers together, embarrassed. [color=f49ac2]”I know I’m really pushing my welcome here, and I’m sorry. But do you know where people who have been turned into Others are kept? I mean we really gotta do something about that. If there’s some quest we need to go on to find the cure, y’know, we’ll do it! I’m all about that Greater Good. And the Medium and Little Good, too.”[/color] Sakura said. She had a lot of energy to spend in the ‘saving Peach’ direction and was in desperate need for an outlet for said energy.