[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/221005/7d7c778891f3387ab231a2bbd26f2d1e.png[/img] [H3][u]The Under ~ The Hive[/u][/h3] The Wasp Queen [b]Word Count:[/b] 522 [b]Level 5 Ganondorf:[/b] 30/50 [b]Exp:[/b] 1 [b]NEW EXP Balance---[/b] 31/50[/center] The big bad Queen, as it turned out, was little more than a gigantic robotic wasp. She commanded an impressive enough looking army, but then again, so did the King of Hyrule. And Ganondorf had reduced that army to cinders. These wasps would be no different. The Gerudo brandished his blades as the Wasp Queen offered the usual spiel about how she could never be defeated. Honestly if Ganondorf had a rupee for every monarch he had ever fought and dethroned, well, he'd have quite a few of them to say the least. As the wasp swarms attacked and took their various shapes, most of the Seekers were quick to spring into action. Ganondorf, on the other hand, was content to take this more slowly. Instead he just calmly walked forward and let his lips curl into a wicked smile as a seeming storm cloud of wasps hovered above and began to close in on him. What happened next was a massive explosion of dark energy that Ganondorf had been building up in his swords ever since the Seekers first began their invasion of this hive. The wasps buzzed around him as they became engulfed in black fire and burned to ash. And at the center of it all stood the mighty King of Evil who began to laugh an ominous laugh, [color=797979]"HAHAHAHA!"[/color] His sinister laugh thundered at the center of the remains of countless wasps now burnt to ash. He brandished his swords and only now did Ganondorf finally break into a run. He ran for a ledge straight ahead of him, slicing and cutting at any wasps that got in his way. At the edge he bent his knees and pushed himself into a powerful leap. Luckily for him the Potion of Jumping he had consumed during his fight with Blast Hornet had not yet worn off. The potion's effect allowed Ganondorf to make a great leap for the Wasp Queen herself. He even sliced his way through a sword-wielding heavy drone along the way. Then with all his strength the Gerudo buried his blades into the Queen's armored thorax. Whether this did significant damage to the Queen, Ganondorf did not know. But he began to use his swords as makeshift climbing tools, stabbing them repeated into the insect's body in order for the man to traverse upwards in a climb that he aimed to eventually let him reach her head. Of course, the Queen's wasps wouldn't just be standing by and allowing this. But most were hesitant to attack, as if they were afraid of accidentally damaging their queen. But those whom did attack were simply met with Ganondorf's Violet Flare breath attack. [color=797979]"Did you honestly think that you could rule forever?"[/color] Ganondorf taunted the Queen, regardless if she could actually hear him or not, [color=797979]"Monarchs rise and monarchs fall! I've seen it for myself, and YOU will be no different!"[/color]